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dc.contributor.authorPavliuk, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorПавлюк, Світлана Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorНікончук, Наталія Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorNikonchuk, Nataliya-
dc.identifier.citationПавлюк С. І., Нікончук Н. В. Світовий та вітчизняний досвід організації активного туризму. Modern Economics. 2021. № 28(2021). С. 100-106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V28(2021)-14.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті розглянуто актуальні питання щодо організації активного туризму. Узагальнено місце та значення туризму у світовій економіці. Зокрема, встановлено, що на дану галузь припадає 7% від міжнародної торгівлі. Досліджено історичні джерела зародження туризму з часів Стародавній Греції та Риму. Проаналізовано світові тенденції розвитку активного туризм, та встановлено, що серед споживачів все більше зростає інтерес до екстремальних подорожей, а саме: виїзд за кордон на тривалий період або «кочівний відпочинок», сімейні експериментальні подорожі, занурення у глиб океану, космічні подорожі, екстремальне оздоровлення та мікроподорожі або тури вихідного дня. Досліджено світовий досвід організації активного туризму в основних місцях дестинацій – Балі, Індонезія, Австралія, Італія, Іспанія. Схарактеризовано можливості на наявні атракції активного туризму в регіонах України. Встановлено, що використання світового досвіду сприятиме диверсифікації спектру ідей для розвитку активного туризму в Україні.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractActive recreation tourism is more effective for physical, emotional, intellectual recreation than passive recreation tourism. Active forms of tourism give dosed in terms of volume and intensity of physical activity for participants, which is the main factor in their recreation and effective recovery. Active tourism is becoming an increasingly important segment of the tourism industry. Active tourism includes more and more types of recreational and tourist and tourist and sports activities. It performs several functions - health, prevention, rehabilitation, training, and education. World experience shows that recently the share of active, extreme, and adventure tourism is growing rapidly. Therefore, the study of current trends in the world and domestic experience of organization of active tourism is relevant. Purpose. The article aims to study current trends in the world and domestic experience in the organization and functioning of active tourism. In the long run, this will help improve the tourist image of the country, region, community and increase tourist flows. Results. International practice shows that, at the present stage of the development of economic systems, tourism is the most dynamically developing area. It is also worth noting that international tourism for some developing countries is the main export of services and one of the principal sources of foreign exchange in these countries; acts as a stabilizing lever for the formation of their budgets and credit and financial relations with other states. At the beginning of the XXI century, international tourism became one of the most important economic activities in the world, and its history begins long before the invention of the word tourist in the late 18th century. According to the Western tradition, organized trips can be found in ancient Greece and Rome, which claim origins as "heritage tourism" (historical monuments of recognized cultural significance) and beach resorts. Analysis of global trends in active tourism shows that there is a growing interest in more extreme travel "nomadic recreation"; familyextreme trips; immersion in the ocean; space travel; micro-trips or weekend tours; extreme-recovery. In response to the growing demand, travel agencies in the European Union offer a wide range of cycling tours, hiking, rafting, diving, sightseeing, and fauna. Analysis of the development of tourism in Ukraine shows that due to the fast pace of life, inactive, addiction to gadgets, more and more tourists today have begun to prefer active recreation. This holiday will be especially interesting for citizens who live in highrise buildings, among the asphalt and want to change their everyday life for a while for the beauty and splendor of nature. Each region of Ukraine has potential opportunities for the development of each type of tourism: hiking, biking, car, water, fishing, hunting, horseback riding, and mountaineering. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of specialized tour operators and guides offering relevant services. Also, the network of specialized shops, suppliers, points of hire, and service of modern tourist equipment, establishments, various tourist information, maps, guides are expanded. Conclusions. It is claimed, that the word demand is growing for active, extreme tourism because humanity is increasingly suffering from overwork and digital dependence. Given that most areas suffer from overtourism new concepts of recreation are becoming increasingly popular, where it is possible to restore inner peace, mental and spiritual condition. In addition, the identity of local culture and the identity of territory have a significant influence on interest among tourists. Ukraine has the potential for the development of active types of tourism. Also, the world experience will help diversify the range of ideas for the development of tourism.-
dc.subjectактивний туризмuk_UA
dc.subjectекстремальні подорожіuk_UA
dc.subjectтуристичні атракціїuk_UA
dc.subjectactive tourismuk_UA
dc.subjectextreme traveluk_UA
dc.subjecttourist attractionsuk_UA
dc.titleСвітовий та вітчизняний досвід організації активного туризмуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeWorld and Domestic Experience in Organizing Active Tourismuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2021. - Вип. 28

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