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dc.contributor.authorHavrysh, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorГавриш, Валерій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorHruban', Vasyl'-
dc.contributor.authorГрубань, Василь Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorKalinichenko, Antonina-
dc.contributor.authorSzafranek, Edyta-
dc.identifier.citationHavrysh, V., Kalinichenko, A., Szafranek, E., & Hruban, V. (2022). Agricultural land: Crop production or photovoltaic power plants. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(9) doi:10.3390/su14095099uk_UA
dc.description.abstractMitigation of climate change requires a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. It motivates an increase in renewable electricity generation. Farmers can develop renewable energy and increase their profitability by allocating agricultural land to PV power plants. This transition from crop production to electricity generation needs ecological and economic assessment from alternative land utilization. The novelty of this study is an integrated assessment that links economic and environmental (carbon dioxide emissions) indicators. They were calculated for crop production and solar power generation in a semi-arid zone. The results showed that gross income (crop production) ranges from USD 508/ha to USD 1389/ha. PV plants can generate up to 794 MWh/ha. Their market cost is EUR 82,000, and their production costs are less than wholesale prices in Ukrainian. The profitability index of a PV project ranges from 1.26 (a discount range is 10%) to 3.24 (a discount rate is 0). The sensitivity analysis was carried out for six variables. For each chosen variable, we found its switching value. It was revealed that the most sensitive variable is a feed-in tariff. Operational expenses and investment costs are the most sensitive variables. Carbon dioxide footprints range from 500 to 3200 kgCO2/ha (depending on the crop). A 618 kW PV plant causes a release of carbon dioxide in the range of 5.2–11.4 gCO2/kWh. The calculated carbon dioxide payback period varies from 5 to 10 months.uk_UA
dc.subjectagricultural landuk_UA
dc.subjectcarbon dioxideuk_UA
dc.subjectcrop productionuk_UA
dc.subjectprofitability indexuk_UA
dc.subjectsensitivity analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectSocial Sciences: Geography, Planning and Development-
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Environmental Science (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Science (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectEngineering: Building and Construction-
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Networks and Communications-
dc.subjectEnergy: Energy Engineering and Power Technology-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Hardware and Architecture-
dc.subjectEnergy: Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment-
dc.titleAgricultural Land: Crop Production or Photovoltaic Power Plantsuk_UA
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