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dc.contributor.advisorСадовий, Олексій Степанович, науковий керівник-
dc.contributor.advisorSadovoy, Oleksiy, scientific director-
dc.contributor.authorMusienko, Artem-
dc.contributor.authorBartholomew, Ivan-
dc.identifier.citationMusienko A., Bartholomew I. Development of the Automated Electric Drive of the Mineral Fertilizer Loader with Development of the Control System // Black Sea Science 2022 : Proceedings of the International Competition of Student Scientific Works / Odesa National University of Technology ; B. Iegorov, M. Mardar (editors-in-chief.) [et al.]. Odesa : ONUT, 2022. Pp. 607-626.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAt present, the automated electric drive is the basis of complex mechanization and automation of industrial processes. Automation frees a significant number of service personnel from constant shifts, during which in some cases there are only a few shifts per shift. The introduction of automatic control helps to improve the quality of service of the main technological process. At the enterprises the tendency of modernization of control systems of the old equipment has recently appeared. The control systems are outdated and the mechanical parts of the equipment remain at a sufficient level. New equipment is very expensive, and the modernization of the old is the only way out of this situation. The purpose of this work is to replace the old control system of the electric drive of the reloader with a new one. The peculiarities of the transmission conveyor operation are considered in the work, the electric drive capable of providing the necessary technological indicators of the installation is chosen. The calculation of the elements of the automatic control system, the calculation of the parameters of the electric drive. The MICROMASTER 420 frequency converter was chosen to control the induction motor. A mathematical model of the electric drive speed control system was developed.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectpower lineuk_UA
dc.subjectmathematical model of control systemuk_UA
dc.subjectagroindustrial complexuk_UA
dc.subjectmineral fertilizersuk_UA
dc.subjectautomation of technological processuk_UA
dc.titleDevelopment of the Automated Electric Drive of the Mineral Fertilizer Loader with Development of the Control Systemuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті (Інженерно-енергетичний факультет)
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