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dc.contributor.authorШарата, Наталія Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorSharata, Nataliya-
dc.contributor.authorБерезовська, Тетяна Всеволодівна-
dc.contributor.authorBerezovska, Tatiana-
dc.contributor.authorКравченко, Тетяна Пилипівна-
dc.contributor.authorKravchenko, Tatyana-
dc.identifier.citationSharata, N. H., Berezovska, T. V., & Kravchenko, T. P. (2022). Efficiency of the method of student thematic online debates in the development of professional competences in future specialists. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 18, 191-203. doi:10.37394/232015.2022.18.21.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe transition to distance learning because of the COVID-19 pandemic has led teachers to adapt effective teaching methods to distance education. Theoretical analysis of scientific works allowed determining that student debates have significant potential for the development of critical thinking, communication skills. The aim of the study was to test the effectiveness of the method of student thematic online debates in the development of professional competencies in future specialists. In the experimental study, several complementary techniques were used to determine the level of future specialists’ professional competence. The reliability of the obtained conclusions on the basis of the used methods was ensured by comparing the data obtained by each method, as well as the representativeness of the sample size and statistical significance of the experimental data. It is determined that the following competencies can be developed in students through the method of student thematic online debates: readiness to work in a team, ability to generalize, analyse and adequately perceive information, ability to communicate according to language norms, reasoned and clearly build oral and written speech. The study allowed determining that there are certain methodological features of using the method of student thematic online debates in the distance educational process. The method of debate is an effective approach to the organization of online learning, which allows obtaining not only theoretical knowledge, but also gives the possibility of applying them in professional activities in the future. Proof of the effectiveness of the proposed model of using debate within distance learning is confirmed by the unequivocally positive dynamics in the experimental group to improve the Value-orientation criterion, Cognitive criterion Communicative-activity criterion (in particular, at a high level of 13.79%, 7.38%, 11.56% respectively). The novelty of the presented scientific intelligence in the experimental study of the potential of online debates for students of agricultural universities, but with the potential to adapt the presented model of organization of the pedagogical environment for students of other specialties. The research materials can be used by teachers in the development of distance online courses, heads of distance learning coordination departments in higher educational institutions. The prospect of further research is studying the effectiveness of thematic online debates to increase the level of internal learning motivation in future specialists.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectdebate methoduk_UA
dc.subjectdistance learninguk_UA
dc.subjectfuture specialistsuk_UA
dc.subjectonline debateuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional traininguk_UA
dc.subjectcritical thinkinguk_UA
dc.subjectSocial Sciences: Developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Environmental Engineeringuk_UA
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Lawuk_UA
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Environmental Chemistryuk_UA
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Waste Management and Disposaluk_UA
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Ecological Modelinguk_UA
dc.titleEfficiency of the method of student thematic online debates in the development of professional competences in future specialistsuk_UA
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