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dc.contributor.authorГавриш, Валерій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorHavrysh, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorBazaluk, Oleg-
dc.contributor.authorCherednichenko, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorNitsenko, Vitalii-
dc.identifier.citationBazaluk, O., Havrysh, V., Cherednichenko, O., & Nitsenko, V. (2021). Chemically recuperated gas turbines for offshore platform: Energy and environmental performance. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(22) doi:10.3390/su132212566uk_UA
dc.description.abstractCurrently, offshore areas have become the hotspot of global gas and oil production. They have significant reserves and production potential. Offshore platforms are energy-intensive facilities. Most of them are equipped with gas turbine engines. Many technologies are used to improve their thermal efficiency. Thermochemical recuperation is investigated in this paper. Much previous research has been restricted to analyzing of the thermodynamic potential of the chemically recuperated gas turbine cycle. However, little work has discussed the operation issues of this cycle. The analysis of actual fuel gases for the steam reforming process taking into account the actual load of gas turbines, the impact of steam reforming on the Wobbe index, and the impact of a steam-fuel reforming process on the carbon dioxide emissions is the novelty of this study. The obtained simulation results showed that gas turbine engine efficiency improved by 8.1 to 9.35% at 100% load, and carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 10% compared to a conventional cycle. A decrease in load leads to a deterioration in the energy and environmental efficiency of chemically recuperated gas turbines.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherGuangdong University of Petrochemical Technology-
dc.publisherAdmiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding-
dc.publisherSCIRE Foundation, Warsaw-
dc.publisherEnvironmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law-
dc.subjectcarbon dioxideuk_UA
dc.subjectcarbon dioxide emissionuk_UA
dc.subjectconversion performance factoruk_UA
dc.subjectgas productionuk_UA
dc.subjectgas turbineuk_UA
dc.subjectoffshore structureuk_UA
dc.subjectrankine cycleuk_UA
dc.subjectwaste heat utilizationuk_UA
dc.subjectwobbe indexuk_UA
dc.subjectworking fluidsuk_UA
dc.subjectSocial Sciences: Geography, Planning and Development-
dc.subjectEnvironmental Science: Environmental Science (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Science (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectEngineering: Building and Construction-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Networks and Communications-
dc.subjectEnergy: Energy Engineering and Power Technology-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Hardware and Architecture-
dc.titleChemically recuperated gas turbines for offshore platform: Energy and environmental performanceuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeEnergy: Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment-
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