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dc.contributor.authorТішечкіна, Катерина Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorTishechkina, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorKolesnichenko, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorMatsegora, Yanina-
dc.contributor.authorPrykhodko, Ihor-
dc.contributor.authorShandruk, Serhii-
dc.contributor.authorLarionov, Stanislav-
dc.contributor.authorIzbash, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorVavryk, Lesia-
dc.contributor.authorKhanenko, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorAndrusyshyn, Yulia-
dc.identifier.citationKolesnichenko, O., Matsegora, Y., Prykhodko, I., Shandruk, S., Larionov, S., Izbash, S., . . . Tishechkina, K. (2021). Typology of personal characteristics of cadets who use psychoactive substances. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, 21(3), 347-361.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aime of this study was the development of the typology of personal characteristics of cadets who used drugs on a permanent, temporary, or single basis. Sixty five cadets from different courses of the higher educational institution participated in this study. A medical examination verified the drug abuse. Determination of Type Accentuation of Character Traits and Temper, Questionnaire of Suicide Risk, Sіxteen Personality Factor Questionnare, Progressive Matrix, Questionnaire on Examination of Professional Selection Motivation, Self-Esteem Structures of Temper Questionnaire, characteristics. Cluster analysis differentiate the cadets who use drugs through the indicators of adaptive abilities. Developed typology gave the possibility to distinguish the reason of cadets being eagerness to become a part of the group, credulity, unreal expectations, desire to be active, and tendency to unnecessary risking.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherNational Academy of National Guard of Ukraine-
dc.publisherWest Ukrainian National University-
dc.publisherNational Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine-
dc.subjectacceptable behaviouruk_UA
dc.subjectmilitary cadetsuk_UA
dc.subjectMilitary Personneluk_UA
dc.subjectTobacco Useuk_UA
dc.titleTypology of personal characteristics of cadets who use psychoactive substancesuk_UA
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