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dc.contributor.authorБойчук, Олена Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorBoichuk, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorGrigorenko, Alexander-
dc.contributor.authorBorysenko, Maksym-
dc.identifier.citationGrigorenko, O. Y., Borysenko, M. Y., & Boychuk, O. V. (2023). Numerical evaluation of frequencies and the modes of free vibrations of isosceles triangular plates with free edges. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), doi:10.1007/s10958-023-06481-3uk_UA
dc.description.abstractFree vibrations are analyzed for isotropic plates in the form of isosceles triangles. We deduce the formula for the evaluation of the frequencies of free vibrations for plates of regular triangular shape with free edges and compute the coefficients of vibration mode and boundary conditions. The frequencies and modes of free vibrations of the isotropic thin isosceles triangular plates with free edges and different apex angles are computed by the finite-element method.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherS. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine-
dc.subjectcoefficients of the vibration mode and boundary conditionsuk_UA
dc.subjectfinite-element methoduk_UA
dc.subjectfree vibrationsuk_UA
dc.subjectfrequencies of vibrationsuk_UA
dc.subjecttriangular platesuk_UA
dc.subjectMathematics: General Mathematicsuk_UA
dc.subjectMathematics: Applied Mathematicsuk_UA
dc.subjectMathematics: Applied Mathematicsuk_UA
dc.subjectMathematics: Statistics and Probabilityuk_UA
dc.titleNumerical Evaluation of Frequencies and the Modes of Free Vibrations of Isosceles Triangular Plates with Free Edgesuk_UA
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