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dc.contributor.authorГавриш, Валерій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorHavrysh, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorBazaluk, Oleg-
dc.contributor.authorNitsenko, Vitalii-
dc.contributor.authorBaležentis, Tomas-
dc.contributor.authorStreimikiene, Dalia-
dc.contributor.authorTarkhanova, Elena A.-
dc.identifier.citationBazaluk, O., Havrysh, V., Nitsenko, V., Baležentis, T., Streimikiene, D., & Tarkhanova, E. A. (2020). Assessment of green methanol production potential and related economic and environmental benefits: The case of china. Energies, 13(12) doi:10.3390/en13123113uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAdopting a new paradigm for social development implies a transition to a circular economy. The above requires the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the utilization of wastes, and the use of renewable energy sources. The most promising way is the use of methanol for industrial and transport applications. China is experiencing a boom in methanol production and its use in almost every sector of the economy. The purpose of this study was to reveal economic benefits, carbon dioxide emissions and the potential production of green methanol. Fuel price history, energy costs and fuel economy were used for economic assessment. Life cycle analysis to evaluate carbon dioxide emissions was applied. It was revealed that only the use of green methanol as a fuel results in decreases in well-to-wheel CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuels. The potential methanol production by using recycled waste and wind power was determined. Its annual production can range from 6.83 to 32.43 million tones. On this basis, a gradual transition to a circular and methanol economy is possible. Policymakers are recommended to support green methanol production in China. It can result in boosting the application of vehicles fueled by methanol and can control CO2 emissions.uk_UA
dc.description.sponsorshipGuangdong University of Petrochemical Technology / GDUPT. Funding: This study was carried out as part of the project ʺBelt and Road Initiative Centre for Chinese–European studiesʺ and was funded by the Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherGuangdong University of Petrochemical Technology-
dc.publisherSCIRE Foundation-
dc.publisherLithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics-
dc.subjectCarbon dioxideuk_UA
dc.subjectCarbon dioxideuk_UA
dc.subjectFossil fuelsuk_UA
dc.subjectFuel economyuk_UA
dc.subjectGas emissionsuk_UA
dc.subjectGlobal warminguk_UA
dc.subjectGreenhouse gasesuk_UA
dc.subjectLife cycleuk_UA
dc.subjectMethanol fuelsuk_UA
dc.subjectWaste utilizationuk_UA
dc.subjectWind poweruk_UA
dc.subjectCarbon dioxide emissionsuk_UA
dc.subjectEconomic and environmental benefitsuk_UA
dc.subjectEconomic assessmentsuk_UA
dc.subjectLife cycle analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectMethanol productionuk_UA
dc.subjectPotential productionuk_UA
dc.subjectTransport applicationsuk_UA
dc.subjectUse of renewable energiesuk_UA
dc.subjectEconomic and social effectsuk_UA
dc.titleAssessment of Green Methanol Production Potential and Related Economic and Environmental Benefits: The Case of Chinauk_UA
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