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dc.contributor.authorТішечкіна, Катерина Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorTishechkina, Kateryna-
dc.contributor.authorГанніченко, Тетяна Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorHannichenko, Tetyana-
dc.contributor.authorСаламатіна, Ольга Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorSalamatina, Olha-
dc.contributor.authorBeliuchenko, Dmytro-
dc.identifier.citationBeliuchenko, D., Tishechkina, K., Hannichenko, T., & Salamatina, O. (2023). Study of Humidity During Sand Dewatering Using a Cone-Shaped Installation. Key Engineering Materials, 953, 43–51. https://doi.org/10.4028/p-tog6wuuk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням: https://www.scientific.net/KEM.953.43uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe issue of moisture content of sand, which is used in construction as an aggregate for asphalt concrete mixtures, in the production of silicate building materials, roofing roll materials, and various types of glass, is considered. The results of an experimental study of the process of dewatering construction sand samples in conical warehouses under the conditions of using vacuum systems, depending on the time and placement scheme of needle filters, are presented.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherNational University of Civil Defence of Ukraine-
dc.subjectcone-shaped installationuk_UA
dc.subjectvacuum systemuk_UA
dc.titleStudy of Humidity During Sand Dewatering Using a Cone-Shaped Installationuk_UA
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