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Назва: Formation of professional competencies of foreign students using the communicative method
Автори: Шарата, Наталія Григорівна
Sharata, Nataliya
Кравченко, Тетяна Пилипівна
Kravchenko, Tatyana
Березовська, Тетяна Всеволодівна
Berezovska, Tatiana
Побережець, Ганна Степанівна
Poberezhetsʹ, Hanna
Ключові слова: Linguistics
Ukrainian language as a foreign language
non-verbal means of learning
language environment
distance learning
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Бібліографічний опис: Sharata, N., Kravchenko, T., Berezovska, T., and Poberezhets, H. (2023). Formation of professional competencies of foreign students using the communicative method // Ways of modernizing education and improving the research skills of young people, Youth Voice Journal Vol. III, pp. 9-20.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The purpose of this article is to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of professional competencies of future foreign specialists by means of communicative methods during distance learning of the Ukrainian language in institutions of higher education. The basis of the methodological approach in this research work is a qualitative combination of methods of system analysis of modern distance education in higher education institutions, as well as theoretical and empirical methods of researching the state of formation of professional competencies of foreign specialists. The article reveals the main approaches to distance learning in higher education institutions; formulated and described communicative methods used for the formation of professional competencies when learning Ukrainian as a foreign language; experimental verification of the state of formation of professional competencies of future foreign specialists was carried out; a group of methodological conditions for the qualitative use of communicative methods of competence formation in institutions of higher education is disclosed. The obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of using communicative methods of teaching Ukrainian to foreign students in higher education institutions during distance learning, contributing to the formation of their professional competencies and improving the quality of education. The materials and results of this scientific research, as well as the conclusions formulated on their basis, have significant importance in the education and adaptation of foreign students in learning the Ukrainian language; the recommendations can be used by teachers, which will ensure a productive organization of the use of communicative methods during distance education of future foreign specialists.
Опис: Повний текст статті доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням: https://www.rj4allpublications.com/product/formation-of-professional-competencies-of-foreign-students-using-the-communicative-method/
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/15396
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