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Назва: Classification System Based on Ensemble Methods for Solving Machine Learning Tasks
Автори: Ганніченко, Тетяна Анатоліївна
Hannichenko, Tetyana
Bidyuk, Peter
Kalinina, Irina
Жебко, Олександр Олегович
Zhebko, Oleksandr
Ключові слова: Bagging
Classification task
Ensemble models
Quality metrics of classifiers
Structure of the two-level ensemble
Data handling
Machine learning
Base models
Classification models
Classification tasks
Ensemble models
Quality metric of classifier
Quality metrices
Structure of the two-level ensemble
Two level ensembles
Classification (of information)
Imbalanced Data
Cost-Sensitive Learning
Data Classification
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Beresteiskyi (former Peremohy)
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Бібліографічний опис: Bidyuk, P., Kalinina, I., Zhebko, O., Gozhyj, A., & Hannichenko, T. (2023, June 3). Classification System Based on Ensemble Methods for Solving Machine Learning Tasks CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Lviv, Ukraine.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The paper investigates the solution of the classification problem using a two-level structure of model ensembles based on machine learning methods. The general structure of a two-level ensemble for solving classification problems is proposed. Based on the use of the two-level ensemble learning structure in the processing of two datasets, the quality of classification was improved. The procedures for processing the datasets included identifying and describing the key quality characteristics of the models, selecting a metric, selecting the base models, selecting parameters for the base models and ensemble methods. Preliminary data processing was performed. The basic datasets are divided into training and test samples, and input variables are generated. The results of applying simple classifiers and the ensemble of the two-level classification model are presented, and the efficiency of the developed classification models is evaluated. A two-level ensemble structure was used to find a compromise between the bias and variance inherent in machine learning models. At the first level of the ensemble, stacking was used to reduce the bias of the base models. This resulted in a preliminary improvement in classification quality. At the second level, bagging was used to reduce the variance of the base models. The basic classification models and ensemble models based on stacking and bagging, as well as metrics for assessing the quality of using basic classifiers and models of the first and second levels, were studied.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/15628
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