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dc.contributor.authorGritsienko, Yulia-
dc.contributor.authorКаратєєва, Олена Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorKaratieieva, Helena-
dc.contributor.authorГиль, Михайло Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorGill, Mikhail-
dc.identifier.citationGritsienko, Y., Karatieievа, O., & Gill, M. (2024). Identification of some genetic markers as productive and reproductive traits in Ukrainian dairy cattle breeding. Online Journal of Animal and Feed Research, 14(2), 124–136. https://doi.org/10.51227/ojafr.2024.15uk_UA
dc.description.abstractSelection based on DNA markers is a breeding technique grounded in the genomic selection value of animals. The aim of the research is to study the genotypic profile of cows of different breeds in Ukrainian breeding in relation to the genes LEP, CSN3, TG5, BLG, and Pit-1 and to identify the probability of using them as markers for reproductive traits in cows. During the study, the Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was used to analyze the genes and determine their polymorphic characteristics. The obtained data indicated that the same gene variants have varying effects in the studied breeds due to their diverse influences on the genomic background. Specifically, the homozygous state of leptin genes (LEPCC) and pituitary-specific transcription factor (PIT-1BB) was observed to impact the reproductive characteristics of cows in the evaluated breeds. Meanwhile, for the genes casein (CSN3AB), thyroglobulin (TG5CT), and beta-lactoglobulin (BLGAВ), the heterozygous state of alleles was found to influence the key reproductive traits of dairy cattle of Holstein origin. The polymorphism of the genes CSN3, βLG, TG, PIT-1, and LEP indicated the presence of genetic potential for the reproductive function of cows and can be utilized as molecular markers in selective breeding, providing significant progress in improving not only the traits of dairy cattle productivity but also reproductive function. Therefore, in the implementation of selective breeding work, it is advisable to consider genotyping for the genes CSN3, βLG, TG, PIT-1, and LEP as an additional criterion for the selection of animals to enhance both their milk and reproductive characteristics.uk_UA
dc.subjectDairy cattleuk_UA
dc.subjectGenetic potentialuk_UA
dc.subjectMarker genesuk_UA
dc.subjectReproductive functionuk_UA
dc.titleIdentification of some genetic markers as productive and reproductive traits in Ukrainian dairy cattle breedinguk_UA
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