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dc.contributor.authorGiriuniene, G.-
dc.contributor.authorGiriunas, L.-
dc.identifier.citationGiriuniene G. Analysis of types of external communication between tax administrators and tax payers [Electronic resource] / G. Giriuniene, L. Giriunas // Обліково-аналітичне і фінансове забезпечення діяльності суб’єктів господарювання: національні, глобалізаційні та євроінтеграційні аспекти : матер. міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., м. Миколаїв, 23-25 листопада 2016 року. – Миколаїв : МНАУ, 2016. – С. 115-118.-
dc.description.abstractThe research paper is an analysis of ways of between tax administrator external communication with taxpayers. As technology evolves, more and more of the tax administration procedures are intended to move into the online realm in order to facilitate the availability of tax-related information to taxpayers and reduce the costs for the tax administrators. However, both parties are faced with difficulties and the lack of information, which impedes the external communication and prevents the transition to innovative communication model and the possibilities it offers. So the aim of this article is to find out the ways of tax administrators external communication with taxpayers. The paper identifies the key features of the external way of communication; it also presents advantages and disadvantages of trying to move the tax administration into online realm, as well as the possibilities social networks offer in this area.uk
dc.description.sponsorshipMykolas Romeris Universityuk
dc.subjecttax administratoruk
dc.subjectexternal communicationuk
dc.titleAnalysis of types of external communication between tax administrators and tax payersuk
Розташовується у зібраннях:Обліково-аналітичне і фінансове забезпечення діяльності суб’єктів господарювання - 2016

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