Перегляд зібрання за групою - Автори Chernov, V.

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Результати 1 до 11 із 11
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2002Causes and mechanisms of local corrosion in oil-field pipelinesChernov, V.; Makarenko, V.; Kryzhanivs'kyi, E.; Shlapak, L.
2003Corrosion and mechanical resistance in oil borehole equipmentMakarenko, V.; Makarenko, I.; Chernov, V.; Petrovskii, V.
2001Effect of modifying additions on the ductility and plastic properties and the brittle strength of cold-resistant, low-alloy steelMakarenko, V.; Belyaev, V.; Galichenko, E.; Prokhorov, N.; Shatilo, S.; Chernov, V.
2001Effect of modifying microadditions on the mechanical and ductility properties of welded joints in oil and gas pipelinesMakarenko, V.; Belyaev, V.; Prokhorov, N.; Shatilo, S.; Chernov, V.
2002Evaluation of the corrosion resistance of pipes made of carbon low-alloy steelsChernov, V.
2000Fracture of welds in gas and petroleum mainsChernov, V.
2002Influence of microadditions on the resistance to brittle fracture of welded joints of oil pipelinesChernov, V.
2001Influence of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide on the carbonic-acid corrosion of welded metal structures of oil and gas equipmentChernov, V.
2003Mechanism of hydrogen delamination of pipe steels of oil and gas pipelinesMakarenko, V.; Petrovs'kyi, V.; Chernov, V.
2002On the causes of corrosion fracture of industrial pipelinesChernov, V.; Makarenko, V.; Kryzhanivs'kyi, E.; Shlapak, L.
2003Role of hydrogen in the sulfide stress-corrosion cracking of pipeline steelsChernov, V.; Makarenko, V.; Shlapak, L.