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2023Some Features of Modeling Ultrasound Propagation in Non-Destructive Control of Metal Structures Based on the Magnetostrictive EffectГавриш, Валерій Іванович; Havrysh, Valeriy; Babak, Vitalii; Bohachev, Ihor; Zaporozhets, Artur; Khaidurov, Vladyslav; Kalinichenko, Antonina
2023Forecasting of Winter Wheat Yield: A Mathematical Model and Field ExperimentsАтаманюк, Ігор Петрович; Atamanyuk, Igor; Гавриш, Валерій Іванович; Havrysh, Valeriy; Nitsenko, Vitalii; Diachenko, Oleksii; Tepliuk, Mariia; Chebakova, Tetiana; Trofimova, Hanna
2023Sunflower Residues-Based Biorefinery: Circular Economy IndicatorsГавриш, Валерій Іванович; Havrysh, Valeriy; Kalinichenko, Antonina; Pysarenko, Pavlo; Samojlik, Maryna
2023Space-time modeling and forecasting steppe soil fertility using geo-information systems and neuro-technologiesДробітько, Антоніна Вікторівна; Drobitko, Antonina; Pichura, V.; Potravka, L.; Stratichuk, N.
2023Computational method of the cardiovascular diseases classification based on a generalized nonlinear canonical decomposition of random sequencesАтаманюк, Ігор Петрович; Atamanyuk, Igor; Грубань, Василь Анатолійович; Hruban', Vasyl'; Волосюк, Юрій Вікторович; Volosyuk, Yuriy; Kondratenko, Yuriy; Кондратенко, Юрій
2023Public Transport Prioritization and Descriptive Criteria-Based Urban Sections Classification on Arterial StreetsПолянський, Павло Миколайович; Polyansky, Pavlo; Royko, Yuriy; Fornalchyk, Yevhen; Koda, Eugeniusz; Kernytskyy, Ivan; Hrytsun, Oleh; Bura, Romana; Osinski, Piotr; Markiewicz, Anna; Wierzbicki, Tomasz; Barabash, Ruslan; Humenuyk, Ruslan
2023Long-term Changes in the Stability of Agricultural Landscapes in the Areas of Irrigated Agriculture of the Ukraine Steppe ZoneДомарацький, Євгеній Олександрович; Domaratskiy, Yevhenii; Potravka, Larisa; Vdovenko, Nataliia; Stratichuk, Natalia; Baysha, Kira; Pichura, Ivana
2023Dependence between behavioural acts and sperm parameters of boars of modern and local breeds of UkraineЛихач, Анна Васильевна; Likhach, Anna; Лихач, Вадим Ярославович; Likhach, Vadym; Баркарь, Євген Володимирович; Barkar, Evgen; Shpetny, Mykola; Olena, Kucher
2023Experimental Research on Unit Operation for Fruit Crops’ Bones CalibrationГавриш, Валерій Іванович; Havrysh, Valeriy; Bondarenko, Larysa; Halko, Serhii; Matsulevych, Oleksandr; Tetervak, Illia; Vershkov, Oleksandr; Miroshnyk, Oleksandr; Nitsenko, Vitalii
2023Influence of ventilation system type on microclimate parameters in farrowing room and reproductive qualities of pigsMykhalko, Oleksandr; Povod, Mykola; Gutyj, Bogdan; Лумедзе, Імін Халідович; Lumedze, Imin; Іовенко, Артем Володимирович; Iovenko, Artem; Бондар, Алла Олександрівна; Bondar, Alla