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Назва: Harmonization of Agricultural Policy and Economic Security of the EU States
Автори: Pavliuk, Svitlana
Павлюк, Світлана Іванівна
Brazhnyk, Liudmyla
Ivanyuta, Viktoriya
Kravchenko, Tetiana
Ключові слова: agricultural market
agricultural policy
common agricultural policy
economic security
the European Union
Social Sciences: Development
Environmental Science: Environmental Engineering
Environmental Science: Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Environmental Science: Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Science: Waste Management and Disposal
Environmental Science: Ecological Modeling
Дата публікації: 2023
Бібліографічний опис: Brazhnyk, L., Ivanyuta, V., Kravchenko, T., Kozak, O., Los, O., & Pavliuk, S. (2023). Harmonization of agricultural policy and economic security of the EU states. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 19, 1-10. doi:10.37394/232015.2023.19.1
Короткий огляд (реферат): In the context of social-economic transformations and globalization of the international economy, the importance of the agricultural sector of the economy is increasing, the efficiency of which ensures the growth of the level of economic security. Harmonization of effective agricultural policy and economic security involves the protection of national economic interests, sustainable economic growth and modernization of the economy on the basis of agricultural sector development as a tool for economic security, and structural transformation of agricultural policy as part of agricultural security. The purpose of the research lies in substantiating the theoretical and applied principles for the formation and implementation of agricultural policy and assessing its harmonization with the economic security of the European Union. In the course of the research, the following methods have been used, namely: methods of economic analysis and synthesis; comparisons and analogies; generalization and systematization; grouping and cluster analysis. Regarding the results of the research, it has been established that the growth of the level of economic security of the European Union depends on the effectiveness of agricultural policy. Studying the peculiarities of the harmonization of agricultural policy and economic security in the countries of the European Union makes it possible to identify three groups of countries that have common features and trends in the indicators being analysed, namely: countries with a high level of economic security and moderate funding for agricultural policy (Germany (IIES: 0,593; FV: 6279967 thousand EUR), Denmark (IIES: 0,723; FV: 977871 thousand EUR), Ireland (IIES: 0,666; FV: 1573102 thousand EUR), Luxembourg (IIES: 0,607; FV: 47909 thousand EUR), the Netherlands (IIES: 0.702; FV: 836749 thousand EUR), Finland (IIES: 0,675; FV: 874699 thousand EUR) and Sweden (IIES: 0,673; FV: 948511 thousand EUR), which effectively implement public economic policy and support the development of the agricultural sector at a high level; countries with a sufficiently high level of economic security and stable development of the agricultural sector (Spain (IIES: 0.518; FV: 6908343 thousand EUR), France (IIES: 0,490; FV: 9448114 thousand EUR), Belgium (IIES: 0,544; FV: 645317 thousand EUR), the Czech Republic (IIES: 0,507; FV: 1193984 thousand EUR), Estonia (IIES: 0,418; FV: 273189 thousand EUR), Malta (IIES: 0,457; FV: 19320 thousand EUR), Austria (IIES: 0,552; FV: 1281161 thousand EUR) and Portugal (IIES: 0,5694; FV: 1370581 thousand EUR), financing of agricultural policy of which occurs in accordance with the needs of economic entities and is aimed mainly at introducing innovations; countries with a low level of economic security, characterized by structural changes in the development of the agricultural sector (Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia).
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11981
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