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dc.contributor.authorПолянський, Павло Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorPolyansky, Pavlo-
dc.contributor.authorKernytskyy, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorVolchenko, Aleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorSzlachetka, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorHorbay, Orest-
dc.contributor.authorSkrypnyk, Vasyl-
dc.contributor.authorZhuravlev, Dmytro-
dc.contributor.authorBolonnyi, Vasyl-
dc.contributor.authorYankiv, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorHumenuyk, Ruslan-
dc.contributor.authorPolyansky, Pavlo-
dc.contributor.authorLeśniewska, Aleksandra-
dc.contributor.authorWalasek, Dariusz-
dc.identifier.citationKernytskyy, I., Volchenko, A., Szlachetka, O., Horbay, O., Skrypnyk, V., Zhuravlev, D., . . . Koda, E. (2022). Complex heat exchange in friction steam of brakes. Energies, 15(19) doi:10.3390/en15197412uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn this article the structural features of friction pairs of brakes are analyzed. Heat transfer processes with new boundary conditions are described analytically with the addition of flow conditions and the appearance of a boundary thermal layer to convective heat transfer. The joint action of heat conduction and convection fields is presented. The release of heat during friction is due to the destruction of adhesive bonds in the actual contact zones, and the stress–strain state of micro-roughnesses. It should be said that due to the presence of accompanying transfer processes, complex heat transfer is much more complex compared to purely conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer, which significantly complicates its analytical and experimental study. In this regard, the processes of complex heat transfer are currently studied little. From the point of view of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, the main task of describing the transfer process is to establish a relationship between the magnitude of the specific flux and the surface-volume temperatures that it causes in the metallic friction elements of the brakes. Additionally, as a result, an assessment of conductive and convective heat transfer in friction pairs of brake devices was made.uk_UA
dc.subjectheat conductionuk_UA
dc.subjectheat convectionuk_UA
dc.subjectheat transfer coefficientsuk_UA
dc.subjectthermal conductivityuk_UA
dc.subjectbrake deviceuk_UA
dc.subjectconvective heat transferuk_UA
dc.subjectfriction elementsuk_UA
dc.subjectfriction pairuk_UA
dc.subjectmetal friction elementuk_UA
dc.subjectradiative and thermal conductivityuk_UA
dc.subjecttransfer processuk_UA
dc.subjecttype of heat transfer in fielduk_UA
dc.subjectMathematics: Control and Optimization-
dc.subjectEngineering: Engineering (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectEngineering: Building and Construction-
dc.subjectEnergy: Energy (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectEngineering: Electrical and Electronic Engineering-
dc.subjectEnergy: Energy Engineering and Power Technology-
dc.subjectEnergy: Fuel Technology-
dc.subjectEnergy: Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment-
dc.titleComplex Heat Exchange in Friction Steam of Brakesuk_UA
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