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Назва: Tools of Formation of the System of Socio-Economic Security of Territorial Communities of the Region
Автори: Шебанін, В’ячеслав Сергійович
Shebanin, Vyacheslav
Кормишкін, Юрій Анатолійович
Kormyshkin, Yuri
Ключник, Альона Володимирівна
Klyuchnik, Alena
Аллахвердієва, Ірина Валеріївна
Allahverdiyeva, Irina
Уманська, Валентина Валеріївна
Umanska, Valentyna
Ключові слова: region
socio-economic security
territorial communities of the region
Income Convergence
Structural Funds
European Union
Social Sciences: Sociology and Political Science
Social Sciences: Development
Social Sciences: Geography, Planning and Development
Economics, Econometrics and Finance: Economics and Econometrics
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Shebanin, V., Kormyshkin, I., Kliuchnyk, A., Allakhverdiyeva, I., & Umanska, V. (2022). Tools of Formation of the System of Socio-Economic Security of Territorial Communities of the Region. Regional Science Inquiry, 14(1), 127-136.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The urgency of the stated subject of this scientific research is conditioned by the need to develop and integrate effective tools for the formation of a system of socio-economic security of territorial communities in a given geographical region, which is essential for the quality of economic development of these regional communities in the short and long term. The purpose of this research work is to study the tools of formation of the system of social and economic security of territorial communities of the region in the current system of social and economic relations in a given geographical region, as well as assessing the effectiveness of the practical application of such instruments in the context of assessing the role and place of these regions in the economic system of the whole State. The basis of the methodological approach in this scientific study is a combination of methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the key principles of the system of socio-economic security of territorial communities of the region, as well as tools to ensure this process. In the course of carrying out this scientific study, results have been obtained indicating the need to ensure the socio-economic security of a given region, through the creation of effective tools for the formation of a system of this kind of security, taking into account the specific features of a given region and its role and place in the socio-economic system of the whole state. The results obtained in the course of this scientific research, as well as the conclusions derived therefrom, have significant practical significance for representatives of specific territorial regional communities, whose immediate interests include addressing the socio-economic security of the territorial communities of the region through the use of the necessary effective tools for this task.
Опис: Повний текст статті доступний з сайту видання http://www.rsijournal.eu/ARTICLES/June_2022/07.pdf
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/12031
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