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Назва: Peculiarities of Insurance of Subjects of the Closed Cycle Technology Sphere
Інші назви: Особливості страхування суб’єктів сфери технологій замкнутого циклу
Автори: Шебаніна, Олена В’ячеславівна
Shebanina, Elena
Кормишкін, Юрій Анатолійович
Kormyshkin, Yuri
Ключник, Альона Володимирівна
Klyuchnik, Alena
Решетілов, Георгій Олександрович
Reshetilov, Georgiy
Аллахвердієва, Ірина Валеріївна
Allahverdiyeva, Irina
Ключові слова: closed cycle technology subjects
green technologies
insurance products
prospects for the development of closed cycle technology subjects
Economics, Econometrics and Finance: Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
Agricultural and Biological Sciences: Agronomy and Crop Science
Agricultural and Biological Sciences: Animal Science and Zoology
Дата публікації: 2022
Бібліографічний опис: Shebanina, O., Kormyshkin, I., Kliuchnyk, A., Reshetilov, G., & Allakhverdiyeva, I. (2022). Peculiarities of insurance of subjects of the closed cycle technology sphere. [Особливості страхування суб’єктів сфери технологій замкнутого циклу] Scientific Horizons, 25(10), 119-126. doi:10.48077/scihor.25(10).2022.119-126
Короткий огляд (реферат): The urgency of the declared subject of scientific research is conditioned by the existence of many problems in the protection of property interests at realization of technologies of a closed cycle. This is especially important for Ukraine, where closed cycle technologies are only introduced into the national economy and do not comprise the significant part of the state’s gross domestic product. The purpose of this research is to study the prospects of protection against adverse risks, which may arise during the implementation of the closed cycle technology, due to the transfer of risks to insurance. The basis of methodological approach in this research article is a qualitative combination of methods of system analysis of the possibility and expediency of risk insurance at realization of the technology of closed cycle and research of the quality of insurance protection, assortment of available insurance products, which can cover risks inherent to subjects of realization of closed cycle technologies, and thus prospects of development of such kind of insurance. The main results obtained in this scientific research are the determination of the possibility and quality of insurance protection for the subjects of closed cycle economy, as well as the formulation of problems, logistics and ways of improving insurance of subjects of sphere of realization of closed cycle technologies. The results of this research, as well as the conclusions drawn from them, are significant both for the employees of the closed cycle technology sphere, who will be able to assess the possibility and process of insurance risks that may arise during the period of their activity and for insurance companies on the basis of this research, that have the desire to diversify the insurance portfolio and to add Agreements with representatives of the sphere of realization of closed cycle technologies.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/12182
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