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dc.contributor.authorБоднар, Олена Андріївна-
dc.contributor.authorBodnar, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorNechyporenko, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorIhnatenko, Valentyn-
dc.contributor.authorChesakova, Myroslava-
dc.identifier.citationNechyporenko, O., Bodnar, O., Ihnatenko, V., & Chesakova, M. (2022). Problems and prospects of the development of the agrarian sphere in the conditions of the russian-ukrainian war and the post-war economic recovery. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 67(5), 933-941. doi:10.46852/0424-2513.5.2022.29uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of independent and sovereign Ukraine has significantly affected the development of the country's agrarian sector and caused unpredictable negative changes in the system of global food security. Increased challenges and dangers of a military nature necessitate the search for effective ways out of crisis situations and the formation of a set of measures for the post-war recovery of not only the agricultural sector but also the entire economy of the country. The study aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles and identify the problems of development of the agricultural sector in the post-war economic recovery. The methodological basis of the study is the basic methods of economic analysis and fundamental research, in particular: method of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, analogy, system analysis, graphical and tabular, grouping and cluster analysis, generalization and systematization. The obtained research findings allowed establish that the development of the agrarian sector is under the influence of destabilizing factors of the external and internal environment. Moreover, the post-war period of economic recovery involves the intensification of agricultural production. It has been found that the war in Ukraine has had a destructive impact on the formation and development of the agrarian sector of the European Union, which has led to a significant reduction in food security. It has been proven that among the countries of the European Union there are three groups of countries characterized by common features of the development of the agricultural sector highly developed countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, France, Sweden, and Sweden), which achieve high indicators of development of the agricultural sphere; countries with a mediocre level of development (Greece, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Russia), which have minor problems in ensuring the development of the agrarian sphere; countries with a low level of development (Bulgaria, Slovakia and Ukraine), where there are significant problems in the development of the agrarian sphere.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherNational Research Center 'Institute of Agrarian Economics'-
dc.publisherThe National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine-
dc.publisherThe Private Joint Stock Company 'Higher Educational Institution' 'Interregional Academy of Personnel Management'-
dc.subjectagrarian marketuk_UA
dc.subjectagrarian sphereuk_UA
dc.subjectagro-industrial productsuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable economic developmentuk_UA
dc.titleProblems and Prospects of the Development of the Agrarian Sphere in the Conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian War and the Post-War Economic Recoveryuk_UA
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