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dc.contributor.authorСавінок, Оксана Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorSavinok, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorZahorulko, Andrii-
dc.contributor.authorZagorulko, Aleksey-
dc.contributor.authorYancheva, Maryna-
dc.contributor.authorYakovets, Lyudmila-
dc.contributor.authorZhelievа, Tetiana-
dc.contributor.authorSkoromna, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorSushko, Larysa-
dc.contributor.authorKainash, Alla-
dc.contributor.authorTytarenko, Nataliia-
dc.identifier.citationZahorulko, A., Zagorulko, A., Yancheva, M., Savinok, O., Yakovets, L., Zhelievа, T., . . . Tytarenko, N. (2023). Improving the production technique of meat chopped semi-finished products with the addition of dried semifinished product with a high degree of readiness. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2(11-122), 6-14. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2023.276249uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe object of this study is a production technique of meat chopped semi-finished products with the addition of dried semifinished product based on Jerusalem artichoke and zucchini. The production technique of meat chopped semi-finished products with the addition of dried semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness (Jerusalem artichoke and zucchini) has been improved. The dried semifinished product is manufactured by a low-temperature drying technique in an IR field at a temperature of 45…60 °C to the final solids content of 12…15 %. The adsorption properties of the dried semi-finished product of a high degree of readiness were determined and it was established that its swelling takes place due to the absorption of the water-fat emulsion while there is an actual increase in the volume of the semi-finished product by 2.3…2.6 times. A feature of the production technique of meat chopped semi-finished products with the addition of a high-readiness dried semi-finished product to the recipe is frying in an apparatus with functionally closed media. The duration of frying in the proposed apparatus with functionally closed media compared to the conventional technique is reduced by 2.4 times. Introduction to the recipe of meat chopped semi-finished products of dried semi-finished products based on Jerusalem artichoke and zucchini reduces total weight loss by 11.9 % of meat culinary products without shrinkage. The data on the chemical composition of meat chopped semi-finished products with the addition of dried semi-finished products in comparison with the control confirm the increase in the nutritional value of the prototype while the energy value is reduced by 19 %. The implementation of the improved technique will make it possible to obtain a competitive range of meat chopped products with natural ingredients that increase the nutritional value of products and eliminate the use of artificial ingredients.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherState Biotechnological Universit-
dc.publisherVinnytsia National Agrarian University-
dc.publisherDnipro State Agrarian and Economic University-
dc.publisherPoltava State Agrarian University-
dc.subjectadsorption dynamicsuk_UA
dc.subjectfunctionally closed mediauk_UA
dc.subjectIR heatinguk_UA
dc.subjectJerusalem artichokeuk_UA
dc.subjectlow-temperature heat treatmentuk_UA
dc.subjectmeat chopped semifinished productsuk_UA
dc.titleImproving the production technique of meat chopped semi-finished products with the addition of dried semifinished product with a high degree of readinessuk_UA
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