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Назва: Assessment and Information Security Provision of the Decision Support Process in Technogenic Object Management Systems
Автори: Борчик, Євген Юрійович
Borchyk, Yevhen
Perederyi, Viktor
Wójcik, Waldemar
Ohnieva, Oksana
Ключові слова: Bayesian network
Complex multilevel systems
Complex organizational and technical objects
Functional stability
Fuzzy risk in decision-making
Human factor
Relevant decisions
Bayesian networks
Complex networks
Decision support systems
Decision theory
Human engineering
Information management
Man machine systems
Reliability theory
Reliability theory
Security of data
Bayesia n networks
Complex multilevel system
Complex organizational and technical object
Decision makers
Decisions makings
Functional stability
Fuzzy risk
Fuzzy risk in decision-making
Multilevel systems
Relevant decision
Technical objects
Decision making
Computer Science: General Computer Science
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
Kherson National Technical University
Lublin University of Technology
Бібліографічний опис: Perederyi, V., Borchik, E., Wójcik, W., & Ohnieva, O. (2021). Assessment and Information Security Provision of the Decision Support Process in Technogenic Object Management Systems. CITRisk’2021: 2nd International Workshop on Computational & Information Technologies for Risk-Informed Systems, September 16–17, 2021, Kherson, Ukraine, 3101 322-334.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The paper considers the information technology of assessment and provision of complex information security of decision-making process in human-machine management systems for technogenic objects, which complements the theory and methods of solving reliability and survivability problems of multilevel systems, based on the interaction of the set of their workability indicators, human factor and information security indicators in the decision-making process to ensure the efficiency of critical object management. To assess the impact of a set of indicators of non-factors of information security, external, production, and human factors on the decision-making process of decision-maker in the management of critical objects, a fuzzy Bayesian network was built, which allowed, based on expert knowledge, to assess the probability of the critical object's information security states. To practically substantiate the obtained results, an experiment was carried out, the results of which confirmed the practical value of the information technology, which can be used to assess and ensure comprehensive information security of the decision support process in man-machine management systems for technogenic objects.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14056
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