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dc.contributor.authorStavinskiy, Stavinskiy-
dc.contributor.authorЦиганов, Олександр Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorTsyiganov, Aleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorAvdieieva, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorВахоніна, Лариса Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorVakhonina, Larisa-
dc.identifier.citationStavinskiy, R., Tsyganov, A., Avdieieva, E., & Vakhonina, L. (2023). Possibilities of Increase in Energy Efficiency and Unification of Transformer-Reactor Equipment with Twisted Elements of Magnetic Circuit. 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy System (MEES). IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/mees61502.2023.10402477uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний з сайту видання за посиланням: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10402477uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIncreasing energy costs and the need for further energy conservation lead to an increase in the requirements for reducing losses in transformer and reactor magnetic circuits. Traditionally, transformer and reactor equipment is improved by applying the achievements of electromaterials science and new technologies to traditional structures and structures of electromagnetic systems. Recently, the use of amorphous steel strip with coiling technology has been expanding in the production of magnetic cores, which in three-phase versions are made three-circuit combined of elements and are characterized by 33% of additional losses. The improvement of three-phase transformers and reactors with twisted magnetic cores is possible by the method of structural transformations of active parts with magnetic coupling of phase twisted circuit elements. The options, advantages and disadvantages of these transformations are considered. On the basis of the identity of mathematical models and dimensionless indicators of the objective functions of structural and parametric optimisation of identical transformer and reactor designs, it is concluded that it is expedient to unify their electromagnetic systems with magnetic coupling of the twisted elements of jointed magnetic cores.uk_UA
dc.subjectadditional lossesuk_UA
dc.subjectstructural transformationsuk_UA
dc.subjectthree-phase twisted magnetic circuituk_UA
dc.subjectEnergy efficiencyuk_UA
dc.subjectMagnetic coresuk_UA
dc.subjectStructural optimizationuk_UA
dc.subjectTiming circuitsuk_UA
dc.subjectAdditional lossuk_UA
dc.subjectElectromagnetic systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectIncreasing energy costsuk_UA
dc.subjectStructural transformationuk_UA
dc.subjectThree phaseuk_UA
dc.subjectThree phasisuk_UA
dc.subjectThree-phase twisted magnetic circuituk_UA
dc.subjectMagnetic circuitsuk_UA
dc.titlePossibilities of Increase in Energy Efficiency and Unification of Transformer-Reactor Equipment with Twisted Elements of Magnetic Circuituk_UA
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