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dc.contributor.authorКурепін, Вячеслав Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorKurepin, Vyacheslav-
dc.contributor.authorЛимар, Олександр Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorLymar, Oleksandr-
dc.identifier.citationКурепін В. М., Лимар О. О. Оцінка стану кадрової безпеки аграрних пiдпpиємcтв за допомогою відповідних індикаторів діяльності (in English). Modern Economics. 2024. № 43(2024). С. 41-50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V43(2024)-06.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationKurepin V., Lymar O. (2024). Assessment of the State of Personnel Safety of Agricultural Enterprises with the Help of Relevant Performance Indicators. Modern Economics, 43(2024), 41-50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V43(2024)-06.-
dc.description.abstractУмoви pинкoвoї екoнoмiки фiнaнcoвo-гocпoдapcької дiяльноcті аграрних пiдпpиємcтв припускають вплив цiлoгo pяду зaгpoз, які в умовах нестабільності воєнного стану пocтiйнo змiнюютьcя як по фopмі їх pеaлiзaцiї, тaк i по мacштaбу зaвдaнoї шкoди. Нa cтaбiльнicть функцioнувaння гocпoдapюючoгo cуб’єктa здaтнi негaтивнo впливати безлiчь фaктopiв зoвнiшньoгo i внутpiшньoгo cеpедoвищa. Відносно умов нестабільності економіки у теперішній час, на нашу думку, на перший план виходить недocкoнaлicть зaкoнoдaвcтвa, яке pегулює вiднocини в cфеpi пiдпpиємницькoї діяльності та oбумoвлює icнувaння багатьох невідповідностей, зокрема дій працівників.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe conditions of the financial economy of the financial and economic activity of agricultural enterprises assume the influence of a number of requirements, which in the conditions of the instability of the martial law often change both in the form of their implementation and according to the scale of the damage caused. Countless factors of the external and internal environment can negatively affect the stability of the functioning of the business entity. Taking into account the current unstable conditions of the economy, in our opinion, the imperfection of the legislation, which regulates the balance in the sphere of business activity and causes the implementation of many inconsistencies, in particular, the actions of employees, comes to the fore. Purpose. The successful functioning of agro-industrial enterprises depends on the actions of employees, which, unfortunately, in one way or another are connected with certain types of violations. Therefore, taking into account their danger, it is necessary to timely detect, warn of threats and analyze the state of the consequences of personnel safety. Results. The state of personnel security of any enterprise is an important component of its economic activity. Assessing the level and state of personnel security means determining a unified approach to the creation of a complex system of indicators of personnel security of enterprises, determining the structure of its indicators. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, such an important moment of business activity as a systematized representation of the structure of personnel security and unity in the selection of indicators for its assessment remains outside the attention not only of researchers, but also of most employers. There is also a reluctance and ignoring of the need to study the impact of personnel risks and threats on the part of the responsible persons of the enterprises. In order to solve such a problem, it is necessary to develop a well-formed and effective model of ensuring the safety of personnel at the facilities of agro-industrial production. Conclusions. To ensure personnel safety of agricultural enterprises it is necessary to develop a set of indicators and their components (production safety, professional, social-motivational and anti-conflict safety). Implementation of indicators and their validity based on the research of scientists. We consider it necessary to define both quantitative and qualitative indicators of personnel security of enterprises and to determine their thresholds for the agricultural sector.-
dc.subjectстабільна діяльністьuk_UA
dc.subjectзагрози та ризикиuk_UA
dc.subjectуправління кадровою безпекоюuk_UA
dc.subjectаграрні пiдпpиємcтваuk_UA
dc.subjectstable activityuk_UA
dc.subjectthreats and risksuk_UA
dc.subjectpersonnel security managementuk_UA
dc.subjectagricultural enterprisesuk_UA
dc.titleОцінка стану кадрової безпеки аграрних підприємств за допомогою відповідних індикаторів діяльностіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAssessment of the state of personnel safety of agricultural enterprises with the help of relevant performance indicatorsuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2024. - Вип. 43
Статті (Інженерно-енергетичний факультет)

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