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Назва: Перспективи розвитку агробізнесу в Миколаївській області
Інші назви: Prospects Of Agribusiness Development in Mykolaiv Oblast
Автори: Кушнірук, Віктор Степанович
Kushniruk, Viktor
Онопрійчук, Д. О.
Onopriichuk, Denis
Ткачук, А. В.
Tkachuk, Anastasia
Ключові слова: агробізнес
Миколаївська область
сільськогосподарська продукція
зернові та зернобобові культури
Mykolaiv Oblast
agricultural products
grain and leguminous crops
Дата публікації: 2024
Бібліографічний опис: Кушнірук В. С., Онопрійчук Д. О., Ткачук А. В. Перспективи розвитку агробізнесу в Миколаївській області (in English). Modern Economics. 2024. № 44(2024). С. 91-98. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V44(2024)-15
Kushniruk V., Onopriichuk D., Tkachuk A. (2024). Prospects Of Agribusiness Development in Mykolaiv Oblast. Modern Economics, 44(2024), 91-98. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V44(2024)-15.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The study deals with the analytical assessment of the impact that the full-scale russian invasion on the territory of Ukraine has on the agribusiness of the Mykolaiv Oblast. The object of the study was the actual statistical and forecast data on sown areas, gross harvest, etc. Purpose. The main goal is to analyze the current state of agribusiness in Mykolaiv Oblast and the prospects of its development. Results. The importance of agriculture for ensuring the country's food security was highlighted. In the face of full-scale invasion, enterprises face many challenges. It was noted that the introduction of innovative technologies is crucial for achieving maximum productivity of production. The value of agricultural products of the Mykolaiv Oblast was analyzed and a significant advantage of crop production over livestock production was noted. The analysis of the dynamics of the costs of agricultural products and the forecast of the costs for the next 3 years were carried out. The sown areas of agricultural crops, the value of agricultural products per hectare and the availability of agricultural machinery in the enterprises were calculated. Using the actual yield data of cereals and legumes, the planned yield was calculated according to the average progressive indicator. Correlation-regression analysis of the influence of factors on productivity in Mykolaiv Oblast, namely gross yield, applied mineral and organic fertilizers, applied pesticides and average prices of grain and leguminous crops was carried out. A correlation matrix was constructed, according to which we observe a close relationship between the yield of grain and legumes with the gross harvest (r = 0.939) and applied mineral fertilizers (r = 0.873), a moderate relationship with applied pesticides (r = 0.781) and applied organic fertilizers (r = 0.687). Conclusions. . It has been proved that the full-scale russian invasion on the territory of Ukraine had a significant impact on the agro-business of the Mykolaiv Oblast. It is necessary to apply a comprehensive approach to the development of agribusiness, since this region has great prospects for rapid growth.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/18434
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2024. - Вип. 44
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