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Назва: Вимір і прояви соціальної глобалізації суспільства
Інші назви: Measurement and Display of Social Globalization in Society
Автори: Вишневська, Ольга Миколаївна
Vishnevskaya, Olga
Чабаненко, О. О.
Вишневська, А. С.
Chabanenko, O.
Vyshnevska, A.
Ключові слова: глобалізація
Дата публікації: 2018
Видавництво: Миколаївський національний аграрний університет
Бібліографічний опис: Вишневська О. М. Вимір і прояви соціальної глобалізації суспільства / О. В. Вишневська, О. О. Чабаненко, А. С. Вишневська // Modern Economics. - 2018. - Вип. 12. - С. 41-46. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V12(2018)-06.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Manifestations of globalization processes change the consciousness of each person in the perception of trends in the development of society, individual spheres of activity, their totality. Social globalization is a significant component of the modern world. Understanding the processes that take place in the global environment is based on knowledge, judgments, comparisons of the totality of global manifestations from political to investment -innovative. Social globalization has a close connection with the mentality of the people, and it is a certain system of images, view of the personality about the world, the place of personality in it, which determines the behavior culture, actions, causes events, state development. The mentality of the people is formed under the influence of a wide range of historical factors, events that change the worldview in time and space. The study of manifestations of social globalization is an important link in the development of the state, as it determines the behavior of the individual, the possibility of its adaptation to global changes.
Manifestations of globalization processes change the consciousness of each person in the perception of trends in the development of society, individual spheres of activity, their totality. Social globalization is a significant component of the modern world. Understanding the processes that take place in the global environment is based on knowledge, judgments, comparisons of the totality of global manifestations from political to investment -innovative. Social globalization has a close connection with the mentality of the people, and it is a certain system of images, view of the personality about the world, the place of personality in it, which determines the behavior culture, actions, causes events, state development. The mentality of the people is formed under the influence of a wide range of historical factors, events that change the worldview in time and space. The study of manifestations of social globalization is an important link in the development of the state, as it determines the behavior of the individual, the possibility of its adaptation to global changes.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/5273
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2018. - Вип. 12

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