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dc.contributor.authorMuhammad, Fahreza-
dc.contributor.authorМухаммад, Фахреза-
dc.identifier.citationFahreza Muhammad. The Influence of Trade Liberalization on International Trade Balance of Agricultural Commodities / Fahreza Muhammad // Modern Economics. - 2019. - № 15. - С. 196-202. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.31521/modecon.V15(2019)-28.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. In the era of globalization, the correlation between trade liberalization and international commodities is becoming a popular issue. It happens because of the trade limitation, which creates inefficiency in both production and consumption impacted on the lowering of overall prosperity. Purpose. This study aimed to observe the influence of trade liberalization on the international trade balance of agricultural commodities in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Afterward, this study applied a qualitative approach with double linear regression. The data used in this study was secondary data from 2003 until 2009. Results. The result of this study showed that trade liberalization did not impact the international trade balance on agricultural commodities in South Sulawesi. It was caused by the export and import performance were getting 150% surplus from market share. Also the highest commodity on cacao had the competitive power. Conclusions. South Sulawesi agricultural commodities had high competitiveness and net-export oriented. Hence, the trade liberalization did not influence the international trade balance of agricultural commodities in 2011- 2016.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIntroduction. In the era of globalization, the correlation between trade liberalization and international commodities is becoming a popular issue. It happens because of the trade limitation, which creates inefficiency in both production and consumption impacted on the lowering of overall prosperity. Purpose. This study aimed to observe the influence of trade liberalization on the international trade balance of agricultural commodities in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Afterward, this study applied a qualitative approach with double linear regression. The data used in this study was secondary data from 2003 until 2009. Results. The result of this study showed that trade liberalization did not impact the international trade balance on agricultural commodities in South Sulawesi. It was caused by the export and import performance were getting 150% surplus from market share. Also the highest commodity on cacao had the competitive power. Conclusions. South Sulawesi agricultural commodities had high competitiveness and net-export oriented. Hence, the trade liberalization did not influence the international trade balance of agricultural commodities in 2011- 2016.-
dc.publisherМиколаївський національний аграрний університетuk_UA
dc.subjecttrade liberalizationuk_UA
dc.subjecttrade balanceuk_UA
dc.subjectagricultural commodityuk_UA
dc.subjectлібералізація торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectторговельний балансuk_UA
dc.subjectсільськогосподарська продукціяuk_UA
dc.titleThe Influence of Trade Liberalization on International Trade Balance of Agricultural Commoditiesuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeВплив лібералізації торгівлі на міжнародний торговий баланс сільськогосподарської продукціїuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern Economics. - 2019. - Вип. 15

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