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Назва: Forecasting of cereal crop harvest on the basis of an extrapolation canonical model of a vector random sequence
Автори: Атаманюк, Ігор Петрович
Atamanyuk, Igor
Кондратенко, Юрій Пантелійович
Kondratenko, Yuriу
Шебанін, В’ячеслав Сергійович
Shebanin, Vyacheslav
Сіренко, Наталя Миколаївна
Sirenko, Natalya
Полторак, Анастасія Сергіївна
Poltorak, Anastasiya
Баришевська, Інна Володимирівна
Baryshevska, Inna
Atamaniuk, V.
Ключові слова: calculation method
random sequence
canonical decomposition
prognostication of the crop
Дата публікації: 2019
Бібліографічний опис: Atamanyuk I., Kondratenko Y., Shebanin V., Sirenko N., Poltorak A., Baryshevska I., Atamaniuk V. Forecasting of cereal crop harvest on the basis of an extrapolation canonical model of a vector random sequence. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2019. Vol. II. pp. 302-315.
Короткий огляд (реферат): The work is devoted to the solving of an important economic problem of the forecasting of cereal crop harvest. A stochastic character of the change of crop yield figures because of the influence of random weather-related factors is an essential peculiarity of this problem. Therefore, to forecast the cereal crop harvest, the methods of random sequence analysis are proposed to use. The developed extrapolation method doesn’t impose any restrictions on a forecasted random sequence of the change of crop yield figures (linearity, stationarity, Markov behavior, monotony, etc.). Taking into full account stochastic peculiarities of the conditions of cereal crop production and crop yield figures allows to achieve maximum accuracy of a forecasting problems solving. The block diagram of an algorithm introduced in the work represents the peculiarities of the calculation of the predictive model parameters. The expression for calculation of an extrapolation error allows to determine necessary volume of a priori and a posteriori information for achieving required quality of a forecasting problem solving. The results of a numerical experiment confirmed high efficiency of the suggested method of forecasting of the cereal crop harvest.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/7721
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