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dc.contributor.authorБурикіна, Світлана Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorКривенко, Анна Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorГуляєва, Інна Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorГамаюнова, Валентина Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorGamayunova, Valentina-
dc.contributor.authorBurykina, S.-
dc.contributor.authorKryvenko, A.-
dc.contributor.authorGulyaeva, I.-
dc.contributor.authorShepel, А.-
dc.identifier.citationBurykina S., Kryvenko A., Gulyaeva I., Gamayunova V., Shepel А. Influence of mineral fertilizers and inoculants on the yield and quality of chickpea grain // Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2021, 11(9). P. 150-158. doi: 10.15421/2021_308uk_UA
dc.description.abstractWe studied the combined effect of mineral fertilizers and pre-sowing bacterization of chickpea seeds on the processes of nodule formation, grain productivity, and seed quality during 2016-2018. Natural and climatic zone is the Steppe; agro-soil province is the dry Black Sea Steppe. Soil-southern chernozem low humus heavy loamy low provided with mineral nitrogen and medium provided with available forms of phosphorus and potassium. As a result of the research, it was established: according to the totality of characteristics, the conclusion is distinguished: application of P30K30 for pre-seed cultivation+N30 in the branching phase in combination with seed bacterization; the increase in yield was 1.50 t/ha or 16.7 kg per unit of active fertilizer substance compared to the variant without fertilizers;-on average, according to seed bacterization, compared to P30K30, a single top dressing of chickpea plants in the branching phase with mineral nitrogen at a dose of 30 kg/ha provided a payback of a unit of active nitrogen substance-8.3 kg;-in fields with an average and higher content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium, double application is effective: N30 in the branching phase+N30 at the beginning of the bluff. Pre-sow inoculation of chickpea seeds with BTU-inoculant and Rhizobofit® preparations is combined with them. The increase in yield is 0.99-0.89 t/ha, the return of a unit of fertilizers with chickpea grain is 16.5-14.8 kg, and on average for bacterization, the return is 5.8 kg;-increasing the dose of the pre-sowing application from N30 to N120 suppresses the process of nodule formation without seed bacterization by 32.3%, using inoculants-from 15.8% to 54.3%, and their mass by 53.6% and from 21.4% to 60.0%, respectively.uk_UA
dc.subjectWeight of 1000 seedsuk_UA
dc.titleInfluence of mineral fertilizers and inoculants on the yield and quality of chickpea grainuk_UA
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