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Використовуйте фільтри для уточнення результатів пошуку.

Результати 561-570 зі 620.
Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2007Specific features of phenetic structure of the terrestrial snail Cepaea vindobonensis (Pulmonata; Helicidae) in urbanized and natural populationsКрамаренко, Сергій Сергійович; Kramarenko, Sergej; Khokhutkin, I.; Grebennikov, M.
2008Flexural vibrations of a thin circular elastic inclusion in an unbounded body under the action of a plane harmonic waveВахоніна, Лариса Володимирівна; Vakhonina, Larisa; Popov, V.
2007Mathematical design of process of dynamic «Shaking» off pepper seeds from carpelsПастушенко, Сергій Іванович; Pastushenko, Sergey; Думенко, Костянтин Миколайович; Dumenko, Konstantine
2004Welding nonrotating joints in petroleum pipelinesMakarenko, V.; Shatilo, S.; Makarenko, I.; Chernov, Vu.; Murav'ev, K.; Kalyanov, A.
2003Mechanism of hydrogen delamination of pipe steels of oil and gas pipelinesMakarenko, V.; Petrovs'kyi, V.; Chernov, V.
2003Role of hydrogen in the sulfide stress-corrosion cracking of pipeline steelsChernov, V.; Makarenko, V.; Shlapak, L.
2003Corrosion and mechanical resistance in oil borehole equipmentMakarenko, V.; Makarenko, I.; Chernov, V.; Petrovskii, V.
2002On the causes of corrosion fracture of industrial pipelinesChernov, V.; Makarenko, V.; Kryzhanivs'kyi, E.; Shlapak, L.
2002Influence of microadditions on the resistance to brittle fracture of welded joints of oil pipelinesChernov, V.
2002Effect of some biologically active substances and acetone on chlorophyll content in germ leaves of tomato and Cucurbitaceae in vitroProsandyeyeva, A.; Просандєєва, А. А.; Smirnova, M.; Gorbatenko, Yu.