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dc.contributor.authorГавриш, Валерій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorHavrysh, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorStanytsina, Valentyna-
dc.contributor.authorArtemchuk, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorBogoslavska, Olga-
dc.contributor.authorZaporozhets, Artur-
dc.contributor.authorKalinichenko, Antonina-
dc.contributor.authorStebila, Jan-
dc.contributor.authorSuszanowicz, Dariusz-
dc.identifier.citationStanytsina, V., Artemchuk, V., Bogoslavska, O., Zaporozhets, A., Kalinichenko, A., Stebila, J., . . . Suszanowicz, D. (2022). Fossil fuel and biofuel boilers in Ukraine: Trends of changes in levelized cost of heat. Energies, 15(19) doi:10.3390/en15197215uk_UA
dc.description.abstractAn increase in the share of renewables in heat supply systems is a promising direction to reach sustainable development goals and decarbonization. Decision makers should consider various factors, including energy market prices, the availability of biofuels, boiler and auxiliary equipment costs, logistic costs, and the taxation system. In the European Union, the energy crisis causes a rapid increase in fossil fuel prices. Moreover, the use of fossil fuels results in greenhouse gas emissions, which threatens the achievement of sustainable development goals. We studied the influence of the delivery cost and the value of environmental tax rates on the levelized cost of heat. Low-capacity boilers (up to 1 MW) and different fossil and renewable fuels were analyzed. An analysis was carried out on the example of Ukraine. The European trends were factored in. The obtained results showed that biofuel boilers had lower levelized costs of heat than fossil fuel boilers. Delivery costs and environmental taxes have a significant impact on heat energy costs.uk_UA
dc.subjectlevelized cost of heatuk_UA
dc.subjectheat supplyuk_UA
dc.subjectthermal energyuk_UA
dc.subjectdelivery costsuk_UA
dc.subjectenvironmental tax ratesuk_UA
dc.subjectsolid fuel boileruk_UA
dc.subjectMathematics: Control and Optimization-
dc.subjectEngineering: Engineering (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectEngineering: Building and Construction-
dc.subjectEnergy: Energy (miscellaneous)-
dc.subjectEngineering: Electrical and Electronic Engineering-
dc.subjectEnergy: Energy Engineering and Power Technology-
dc.subjectEnergy: Fuel Technology-
dc.subjectEnergy: Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment-
dc.titleFossil Fuel and Biofuel Boilers in Ukraine: Trends of Changes in Levelized Cost of Heatuk_UA
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