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dc.contributor.authorПолянський, Павло Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorPolyansky, Pavlo-
dc.contributor.authorKernytskyy, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorHlinenko, Larysa-
dc.contributor.authorYakovenko, Yevheniia-
dc.contributor.authorHorbay, Orest-
dc.contributor.authorKoda, Eugeniusz-
dc.contributor.authorRusakov, Konstantin-
dc.contributor.authorYankiv, Volodymyr-
dc.contributor.authorHumenuyk, Ruslan-
dc.contributor.authorBerezovetskyi, Serhii-
dc.contributor.authorKalenik, Marek-
dc.contributor.authorSzlachetka, Olga-
dc.identifier.citationKernytskyy, I., Hlinenko, L., Yakovenko, Y., Horbay, O., Koda, E., Rusakov, K., . . . Szlachetka, O. (2022). Problem-oriented modelling for biomedical engineering systems. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 12(15) doi:10.3390/app12157466uk_UA
dc.description.abstractTechnical system (TS) models are widely used for setting and solving problems for the improvement of biomedical engineering systems beyond simple parameter optimisation. They mostly focus on system elements, the change or replacement of which can provide significant technical and economic benefits. The natures of TS models and their methods of construction vary, but they all share several common features: a functional approach, a focus on the conflicting demands put on the particular elements of a system or their interactions, and the construction of models that assume the significance of those conflicts. Thus, modelling aims to visualise conflicts in a way that facilitates the setting and solving of tasks that lead to their elimination. Such modelling can be termed problem-oriented. Results of the analysis of problem-oriented models proposed by different authors have shown that they model the structure of problem functions or the structure of the TS fragments responsible for such functions. A graphic representation of these models allows for the comparison and identification of opportunities for further development and aggregation. In this paper, the joint application of several known and proposed models is suggested for efficient forecasting of biomedical engineering systems and their modernisation.uk_UA
dc.subjectinventive problem solvinguk_UA
dc.subjectproblem-oriented modelsuk_UA
dc.subjectstructural synthesis of technical systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: General Engineering-
dc.subjectPhysics and Astronomy: Instrumentation-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Science Applications-
dc.subjectChemical Engineering: Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes-
dc.subjectMaterials Science: General Materials Science-
dc.subjectChemical Engineering: Process Chemistry and Technology-
dc.titleProblem-Oriented Modelling for Biomedical Engineering Systemsuk_UA
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