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dc.contributor.authorІваненко, Тетяна Яківна-
dc.contributor.authorIvanenko, Tetyana-
dc.contributor.authorLopushynska, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorBuriak, Ievgen-
dc.contributor.authorSabii, Ihor-
dc.contributor.authorPankova, Liudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorRamos, Olena Ribeiro-
dc.identifier.citationLopushynska, O., Buriak, I., Sabii, I., Pankova, L., Ramos, O. R., & Ivanenko, T. (2022). Modeling the Socio-Ecological-Economic Efficiency of Resource-Saving Development Management of Agri-Food Enterprises. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 39, 242-251.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article emphasizes the prospects of environmental and resource-saving development of agri-food enterprises. It is noted that the priority task today is to create a basis for determining the model for assessing the socio-ecological-economic efficiency of resource-saving development of agri-food enterprises, which will ensure the transition of enterprises to a strategy of lean resource consumption in conditions of limited natural resources. Insufficient and fragmented coverage in the scientific literature of methodological support for assessing the effectiveness of management of resource-saving development of modern agricultural enterprises is noted. The purpose of the study is to improve the methodology for assessing the management of resource-saving development of enterprises in the agri-food sector. The study selected the importance of indicators of agricultural sector development for the period 2010-2019 for the group of agri-food enterprises of Poltava, Zaporizhia and Luhansk regions, and the authors propose use of their method “Triad 6R”. This methodology was used to assess the management of resource-saving development of modern agricultural enterprises. The developed author’s methodology “Triad 6R”, in contrast to the existing ones, is based on the calculation of coefficients combined into groups of economic, social and environmental efficiency, allows to identify the shortcomings of management strategies in the context of greening production and to determine the prospects for the development of an enterprise in the triad of “environmental-socio-economic” relations. As a result of calculation of the integral indicators the management efficiency of resource-saving development, it was defined that the specified enterprises had the highest values of the integral indicators in 2019. The highest integral indicators are observed in the group of enterprises of Poltava region during the whole period under study; the integral indicator of resource efficiency management of the group of enterprises of Luhansk region was mostly less than this value for the group of enterprises of Zaporizhzhia region during 2012-2016. However, in subsequent years, the integral indicator of efficiency for enterprises in Zaporizhzhia and Luhansk regions was practically at the same level. For the first time in the scientific world, the authors of the article developed the method “Triad 6R”, which allowed to determine the socio-ecological and economic effect of the agri-food sector of Ukraine. The theoretical and practical provisions developed by the authors have been brought to the level of methodological recommendations proposed for implementation into practice by enterprises of the agri-food sector in the formation and implementation of regional development strategies. Of practical importance are the calculated changes in economic, social and environmental performance indicators of enterprises in the agri-food sector of Ukraine, which will positively affect the sustainable development of rural areas in the context of resource conservation.uk_UA
dc.subjectagri-food enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectecological safetyuk_UA
dc.subjectmethodology “triad 6r”uk_UA
dc.subjectresource savinguk_UA
dc.subjectSustainable Developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectInvestment Attractivenessuk_UA
dc.subjectAgroindustrial Complexuk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: Safety, Risk, Reliability and Qualityuk_UA
dc.subjectAgricultural and Biological Sciences: Food Scienceuk_UA
dc.titleModeling the Socio-Ecological-Economic Efficiency of Resource-Saving Development Management of Agri-Food Enterprisesuk_UA
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