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dc.contributor.authorШебанін, В’ячеслав Сергійович-
dc.contributor.authorShebanin, Vyacheslav-
dc.contributor.authorШебаніна, Олена В’ячеславівна-
dc.contributor.authorShebanina, Elena-
dc.contributor.authorКормишкін, Юрій Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorKormyshkin, Yuri-
dc.contributor.authorКлючник, Альона Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorKlyuchnik, Alena-
dc.contributor.authorУманська, Валентина Валеріївна-
dc.contributor.authorUmanska, Valentyna-
dc.contributor.authorРешетілов, Георгій Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorReshetilov, Georgi-
dc.identifier.citationShebanin, V., Shebanina, O., Kormyshkin, Y., Kliuchnyk, A., Umanska, V., & Reshetilov, G. (2022). Local Economic Development: its Potential and Quality in the Context of Globalization. International Journal for Quality Research, 16(4), 1001-1012. doi:10.24874/IJQR16.04-02uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis article is devoted to studying the impact of globalization of local economic development quality of regions. The study is based on the example of Ukraine, which in 2014 has implemented decentralization reform and become a follower of globalization basic concept, based on subsidiarity and decentralized financial regional development. The study's main purpose is to identify the positive and negative aspects of the development of local self-regulation in the process of global transformation in Ukraine. To this end, a study was conducted based on the latest published statistics on regional production, population, average income, international trade, and foreign direct investment. As a result, it allowed identifying the main areas that form the potential for economic development based on foreign direct investment activity. It should be noted that the main aspect of regional development quality is financing, so an analysis of the entrepreneurial activity of the regions, an analysis of the funding for the regional development support fund, and the main areas of financing by international funds was conducted. The main problems of quality of economic development related to globalization were also identified, which relate to the uncontrolled activities of Transnational corporations, which reduces the resource potential of Ukraine and reduces the level of economic security.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectlocal economic developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectquality of economic developmentuk_UA
dc.subjecttransnational corporations (tncs)uk_UA
dc.subjectnew economic geographyuk_UA
dc.subjecthome market effectuk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: Industrial and Manufacturing Engineeringuk_UA
dc.subjectDecision Sciences: Management Science and Operations Researchuk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: Safety, Risk, Reliability and Qualityuk_UA
dc.titleLocal Economic Development: its Potential and Quality in the Context of Globalizationuk_UA
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