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dc.contributor.authorСіренко, Наталя Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorSirenko, Natalya-
dc.contributor.authorБурковська, Алла Валентинівна-
dc.contributor.authorBurkovska, Alla-
dc.contributor.authorБоднар, Олена Андріївна-
dc.contributor.authorBodnar, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorYekimov, Sergey-
dc.contributor.authorNianko, Viktoriia-
dc.identifier.citationYekimov, S., Nianko, V., Sirenko, N., Burkovska, A., & Bodnar, O. (2022). The problem of attracting private investment in agriculture. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Volozhenin, 54-61. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-91402-8_7.uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст доступний за посиланням: https://books.google.com.ua/books?id=G8lOEAAAQBAJ&lpg=PA54&ots=DiKrpfL9hU&dq=10.1007%2F978-3-030-91402-8_7&hl=ru&pg=PA54#v=onepage&q=10.1007/978-3-030-91402-8_7&f=falseuk_UA
dc.description.abstractImproving mortgage lending, increasing government spending on financing scientific research in the field of agriculture, improving the system of agricultural risk insurance, and providing tax incentives to agricultural enterprises can help increase the investment attractiveness of agricultural businesses. In order to attract external investors, agricultural enterprises should, in our opinion, offer their investment projects more widely at various forums dedicated to investment activities, and make efforts to form their own good investment image. One of the reasons for the high interest rates for lending to agricultural enterprises is the size of the Central Bank's discount rate. In banking, the Central Bank applies only a single discount rate, but in many industrialized countries, its size can be zero or even negative. The authors proposed to apply not one, but several discount rates of the Central Bank, depending on what specific purposes the commercial bank will spend the financial resources received from the Central Bank. In our opinion, for lending to agricultural enterprises, a commercial bank should be able to receive funds from the Central Bank at a discount rate close to zero, and in our opinion it will make it possible to reduce the interest rate when granting loans to agricultural enterprises.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherPublishing House “Education and Science” s.r.o.-
dc.publisherDniprovsk State Technical University-
dc.subjectagricultural sector of the economyuk_UA
dc.subjectinvestments in agricultureuk_UA
dc.subjectstate regulation of agricultureuk_UA
dc.subjectfinancial crisisuk_UA
dc.subjectshadow banking systemuk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: Control and Systems Engineeringuk_UA
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Networks and Communicationsuk_UA
dc.subjectComputer Science: Signal Processinguk_UA
dc.titleThe problem of attracting private investment in agricultureuk_UA
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