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dc.contributor.authorГавриш, Валерій Іванович-
dc.contributor.authorHavrysh, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorKalinichenko, Antonina-
dc.contributor.authorBrzozowska, Anna-
dc.contributor.authorStebila, Jane-
dc.identifier.citationHavrysh, V., Kalinichenko, A., Brzozowska, A., & Stebila, J. (2021). Agricultural residue management for sustainable power generation: The poland case study. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(13) doi:10.3390/app11135907uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe European Union has set targets for renewable energy utilization. Poland is a member of the EU, and its authorities support an increase in renewable energy use. The background of this study is based on the role of renewable energy sources in improving energy security and mitigation of climate change. Agricultural waste is of a significant role in bioenergy. However, there is a lack of integrated methodology for the measurement of its potential. The possibility of developing an integrated evaluation methodology for renewable energy potential and its spatial distribution was assumed as the hypothesis. The novelty of this study is the integration of two renewable energy sources: crop residues and animal husbandry waste (for biogas). To determine agricultural waste energy potential, we took into account straw requirements for stock-raising and soil conservation. The total energy potential of agricultural waste was estimated at 279.94 PJ. It can cover up to 15% of national power generation. The spatial distribution of the agricultural residue energy potential was examined. This information can be used to predict appropriate locations for biomass-based power generation facilities. The potential reduction in carbon dioxide emissions ranges from 25.7 to 33.5 Mt per year.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherUniversity of Opole-
dc.publisherPoltava State Agrarian University-
dc.publisherCzestochowa University of Technology-
dc.publisherFaculty of Natural Sciences, Matej Bel University-
dc.subjectCarbon dioxideuk_UA
dc.subjectcarbon dioxideuk_UA
dc.subjectDry iceuk_UA
dc.subjectAnaerobic Digestionuk_UA
dc.subjectMethane Productionuk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: General Engineering-
dc.subjectPhysics and Astronomy: Instrumentation-
dc.subjectComputer Science: Computer Science Applications-
dc.subjectChemical Engineering: Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes-
dc.subjectMaterials Science: General Materials Science-
dc.subjectChemical Engineering: Process Chemistry and Technology-
dc.titleAgricultural residue management for sustainable power generation: The poland case studyuk_UA
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