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dc.contributor.authorКорхова, Маргарита Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorKorhova, Margarita-
dc.contributor.authorМиколайчук, Віра Георгіївна-
dc.contributor.authorMikolajchuk, Vira-
dc.identifier.citationKorkhova, M., & Mykolaichuk, V. (2021). Allelopathic Properties of Winter Wheat Varieties of Various Breeding Institutions of Ukraine. AgroLife Scientific Journal, 10(1), 116-120. doi:10.17930/AGL2021112.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the results of scientific research on the influence of water extracts of root secretions of winter wheat varieties on seed germination and root growth of single-leaf cress seedlings. Soil samples from the rhizosphere zone of plants of the studied winter wheat varieties were selected in the phases of flowering and full ripeness of the grain. Water extracts of soil at a concentration of 1: 100 were prepared for the Biotest. The findings showed that the stimulatory and inhibitory action of water extracts of root excretions of plants of winter wheat on seed germination and growth of seedlings one-day watercress depending on the varietal characteristics and phases of development. In the flowering phase of plants, water extracts of root secretions of all the studied varieties negatively affected on the germination of test culture seeds. It was found that the Kvitka poliv variety in the phase of full grain ripeness activated the germination of cress seeds. Water extracts of the soil of root secretions of soft winter wheat varieties Vidrada and Krasa paniv were determined to be neutral to the germination of cress seeds.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolaiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectallelopathic actionuk_UA
dc.subjectseed germinationuk_UA
dc.subjectwinter wheatuk_UA
dc.subjectEchinochloa Crus-Galliuk_UA
dc.titleAllelopathic Properties of Winter Wheat Varieties of Various Breeding Institutions of Ukraineuk_UA
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