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dc.contributor.authorЯблуновська, Катерина Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorYablunovska, Katerina-
dc.contributor.authorМардзявко, Віталій Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorMardziavko, Vitalii-
dc.contributor.authorKundenko, Mykolay-
dc.contributor.authorRudenko, Andrii-
dc.contributor.authorYablunovska, Kateryna-
dc.identifier.citationKundenko, M., Rudenko, A., Yablunovska, K., & Mardziavko, V. (2021). Stability of Self-Consistent States of Flow in a Short-Circuited Diode in a Mode with a Through Passage of Particles. UkrMiCo 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Radio Electronics, Proceedings, 275-278. doi:10.1109/UkrMiCo52950.2021.9716695.uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9716695uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this article is to study the operation of a short-circuited diode, and more precisely the frequency stability of the system and the state of the current electron flow during the operation of the diode system, taking into account the passing particles. In this study, the equations for one-dimensional electron flux in a flat diode were used as a basis, in which the parameters were reduced to dimensionless due to the input parameters of the diode length and the flight time of an individual electron. As a result of substitutions, transformations and solutions of systems of equations, the equations of the spectrum of oscillations that occur in the diode system in the mode without particle mappings and for the investigated state are obtained. During the study, the boundary conditions used in previous studies of the stability of electronic fluxes in diode-type devices were selected, resulting in an analysis of the stability of the system in the studied mode with dependences P(q) and Q(q), which showed the limits of stability of the mode with through flow of particles with a variable parameter q.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universituk_UA
dc.publisherState Biotechnological University-
dc.subjectaperiodic instabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectfinite incrementsuk_UA
dc.subjectpassage of particlesuk_UA
dc.subjectshort-circuited diodeuk_UA
dc.subjectstability of electron flowsuk_UA
dc.subjectstates of flowuk_UA
dc.subjectSystem stabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectAperiodic instabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectConsistent stateuk_UA
dc.subjectElectron flowuk_UA
dc.subjectFinite incrementuk_UA
dc.subjectPassage of particleuk_UA
dc.subjectShort-circuited diodeuk_UA
dc.subjectStability of electron flowuk_UA
dc.subjectState of flowuk_UA
dc.subjectTiming circuitsuk_UA
dc.subjectPhase Noiseuk_UA
dc.titleStability of Self-Consistent States of Flow in a Short-Circuited Diode in a Mode with a Through Passage of Particlesuk_UA
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