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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorСирцева, Світлана Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorSyrtseva, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorЛугова, Ольга Іванівна-
dc.contributor.authorLugova, Olga-
dc.identifier.citationSyrtseva S. V., Luhova O. I. Features of accounting of virtual currency (cryptocurrency) as a component of virtual assets of Ukraine // Digital economy: new business architectonics and transformation of competencies = Цифровая экономика: новая архитектоника бизнеса и трансформация компетенций : collection of materials of the International scientific and practical conference, Karaganda, December 14th, 2021. Karaganda, 2021. С. 319-322.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the course of the research it was established that according to the Ukrainian legislation the virtual currency (cryptocurrencies) is an unsecured virtual asset. The accounting of such assets is not regulated by the National Accounting Standards, as in Ukraine entities cannot officially own them due to the lack of legal status. At the international level, virtual currency is accounted for using International Financial Reporting Standards (cryptocurrencies retained as intangible assets in accordance with IAS 38 “Intangible Assets”; cryptocurrencies held for sale are recognized as inventories in accordance with IAS 2 “Inventories”). It is established that the virtual currency (cryptocurrencies) in most cases is held for the purpose of obtaining investment income from resale, the main option of accounting for cryptocurrencies should be part of inventories.uk_UA
dc.subjectvirtual assetuk_UA
dc.subjectvirtual currencyuk_UA
dc.subjectintangible assetsuk_UA
dc.titleFeatures of accounting of virtual currency (cryptocurrency) as a component of virtual assets of Ukraineuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті (Обліково-фінансовий факультет)

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