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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorКоваленко, Олег Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorKovalenko, Oleh-
dc.contributor.authorНерода, Руслан Сергійович-
dc.contributor.authorNeroda, Ruslan-
dc.contributor.authorБаглюк, Уляна Павлівна-
dc.contributor.authorBahliuk, U.-
dc.identifier.citationА.с. 117156.The influence of extra-root fertilizing with micro-fertilizers on biometric indicators of sunflower plants in southern of Ukraine / Kovalenko O., Neroda R., Bahliuk U. // Promising scientific researches of Eurasian scholars. 2022. DOI: 10.30888/2709-2267.2022-13-01-004. Заявл. 15.03.2023 р.uk_UA
dc.titleА.с. 117156.The influence of extra-root fertilizing with micro-fertilizers on biometric indicators of sunflower plants in southern of Ukraineuk_UA
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