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Назва: Husk energy supply systems for sunflower oil mills
Автори: Гавриш, Валерій Іванович
Havrysh, Valeriy
Kalinichenko, Antonina
Mentel, Grzegorz
Mentel, Urszula
Vasbieva, Dinara G.
Ключові слова: Biomass
Carbon dioxide
Energy supply
Renewable energy sources
Cogeneration plants
Emission control
Energy utilization
Fossil fuel power plants
Fossil fuels
Gas plants
Global warming
Natural gasoline plants
Natural resources
Particulate emissions
Power generation
Sunflower oil
Carbon dioxide emissions
Cogeneration systems
Electricity generation
Electricity system
Energy supplies
Energy supply system
Renewable energy source
Дата публікації: 2020
Видавництво: Mykolayiv National Agrarian University
Бібліографічний опис: Havrysh, V., Kalinichenko, A., Mentel, G., Mentel, U., & Vasbieva, D. G. (2020). Husk energy supply systems for sunflower oil mills // Energies, 13(2) doi:10.3390/en13020361
Короткий огляд (реферат): Together with solar, wind, and hydro renewable energy sources (RES), biomass constitutes an integral part of the high-renewables electricity systems. Considerable feedstocks for electricity generation are process-based residues. Ukraine is the world leader in sunflower seed production, therefore, husk (a by-product of oil production) is a promising biofuel for combustion- based power plants. The plants consume primarily electricity and fossil fuels (natural gas or fuel oil) for steam production. Their usage affects the edible oil production cost and impacts on climate change. The above facts force us to look for alternatives. By-product (husk) utilization can reduce exhaustible energy consumption (fossil fuels and grid electricity) and mitigate climate change. The aim of the study is to make an energy and ecological assessment of biomass energy supply systems. Specifically, the electricity and heat consumption of Ukrainian sunflower oil mills is investigated. Different options of cogeneration systems are analyzed. The preferable mode of combustion-based husk combined heat and power plants is to meet their own heat demand and to sell surplus electricity. Relative gross income and carbon dioxide emission reductions are calculated. Our results show that husk utilization can meet electricity and heat requirements of edible plants. The surplus electricity may be sold to the grid. Husk combined heat and power plants may result in reduction of carbon dioxide by 200–300% and an increase of total income by 24.7–65.7% (compared to conventional energy supply systems). © 2020 by the authors.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/14260
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