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dc.contributor.authorАтаманюк, Ігор Петрович-
dc.contributor.authorAtamanyuk, Igor-
dc.contributor.authorШебанін, В’ячеслав Сергійович-
dc.contributor.authorShebanin, Vyacheslav-
dc.contributor.authorKondratenko, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorВолосюк, Юрій Вікторович-
dc.contributor.authorVolosyuk, Yuriy-
dc.contributor.authorШептилевський, Олексій Вікторович-
dc.contributor.authorSheptilevskiy, Aleksey-
dc.contributor.authorAtamaniuk, V.-
dc.identifier.citationAtamanyuk, I., Shebanin, V., Kondratenko, Y., Volosyuk, Y., Sheptylevskyi, O., & Atamaniuk, V. (2019). Predictive control of electrical equipment reliability on the basis of the non-linear canonical model of a vector random sequence // Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems, MEES 2019, 130-133. doi:10.1109/MEES.2019.8896569uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст доступний за посиланням https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8896569uk_UA
dc.description.abstractMethod of individual prediction of electrical equipment reliability on the basis of the analysis of the probability of no-failure operation at future moments of time is offered. A posteriori probability of no-failure operation is calculated using the statistical modeling of the realizations of a vector random sequence of the change of the parameters of electrical device in the prediction area. Relative frequency of the number of realizations belonging to the area of allowable values of the parameters of an electrical device is taken as the estimation of a sought a posteriori probability. Statistical modeling is performed on the basis of non-linear canonical expansion of a random sequence. Taking into full account of stochastic relations and properties of electric equipment parameters is a substantial advantage of this mathematical model which will allow to achieve maximum accuracy of the solving of the problem of predictive control of reliability. © 2019 IEEE.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherPetro Mohyla Black Sea National University-
dc.publisherWestern Norway University of Applied Sciences-
dc.subjectcanonical expansionsuk_UA
dc.subjectelectrical equipment reliabilityuk_UA
dc.subjectpredictive controluk_UA
dc.subjectrandom sequencesuk_UA
dc.subjectElectric control equipmentuk_UA
dc.subjectElectric network parametersuk_UA
dc.subjectFrequency estimationuk_UA
dc.subjectModel predictive controluk_UA
dc.subjectReliability analysisuk_UA
dc.subjectStatistical methodsuk_UA
dc.subjectStochastic modelsuk_UA
dc.subjectStochastic systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectTerminals (electric)uk_UA
dc.subjectA-posteriori probabilitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectEquipment parametersuk_UA
dc.subjectIndividual predictionuk_UA
dc.subjectpredictive controluk_UA
dc.subjectRandom sequenceuk_UA
dc.subjectRelative frequenciesuk_UA
dc.subjectStatistical modelinguk_UA
dc.subjectVector control (Electric machinery)uk_UA
dc.titlePredictive control of electrical equipment reliability on the basis of the non-linear canonical model of a vector random sequenceuk_UA
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