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dc.contributor.authorПобережець, Ганна Степанівна-
dc.contributor.authorPoberezhetsʹ, Hanna-
dc.contributor.authorBakhmat, Nataliia-
dc.contributor.authorSydoruk, Liudmyla-
dc.contributor.authorMisenyova, Viktoria-
dc.contributor.authorBoyarova, Olena-
dc.contributor.authorMazur, Yuliia-
dc.identifier.citationBakhmat, N., Sydoruk, L., Poberezhets, H., Misenyova, V., Boyarova, O., & Mazur, Y. (2023). Features of Using the Opportunities of the Digital Environment of the Higher Educational Institution for the Development of Future Economists’ Professional Competence. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 68(1), 43-50. doi:10.46852/0424-2513.1s.2023.6uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe present academic paper is devoted to studying the degree of development of individual components of future economists' professional competence in the digital environment of higher educational institutions. In the course of the research, the level of effectiveness of digitalization of higher educational institutions was studied. To assess the actual competence level of future specialists in the field of economics, a questionnaire survey of students - future economists in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and France was conducted. Based on the analysis of the results, the qualifications of students - future economists were assessed, considering the features of labour markets in different countries. According to the research data, it has been established that apparent differences in the degree of digitization of higher education institutions can be observed in various countries, which affects the competence of future specialists. The difference in the degree of development of digital technologies in higher educational institutions causes the formation of a significant gap in the level of professionalism in general and digital competence, in particular, among students of economic specialties. To carry out a highly-effective professional activity, an economist should possess relevant technical, digital, competency-based, and mathematical skills. The survey has revealed that the lack of critical thinking skills in the Czech Republic and Germany and active self-study among students - future economists is especially acute. According to the results of the survey, it has been established that the main reason for the lack of this type of skills is the insufficient number of academic hours allocated during the educational process for their formation, forasmuch as in the conditions of the digitalization of higher education, the time frame of training is limited. Along with this, a lack of development of social and communication skills that develop the professional competence of economists is observed in the Czech Republic, France and Germany.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agricultural Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherKamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University-
dc.publisherEducational and Rehabilitation Institution of Higher education "Kamyanets-Podilsky State Institute"-
dc.publisherYaroslav Mudryi National Law University-
dc.subjectdigital technologiesuk_UA
dc.titleFeatures of Using the Opportunities of the Digital Environment of the Higher Educational Institution for the Development of Future Economists’ Professional Competenceuk_UA
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