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dc.contributor.authorMykhalko, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorPovod, Mykola-
dc.contributor.authorGutyj, Bogdan-
dc.contributor.authorЛумедзе, Імін Халідович-
dc.contributor.authorLumedze, Imin-
dc.contributor.authorІовенко, Артем Володимирович-
dc.contributor.authorIovenko, Artem-
dc.contributor.authorБондар, Алла Олександрівна-
dc.contributor.authorBondar, Alla-
dc.identifier.citationMykhalko O., Povod M., Gutyj B., Lumedze I., Iovenko A. & Bondar A. (2023). Influence of ventilation system type on microclimate parameters in farrowing room and reproductive qualities of pigs. Scientific Papers. Series "Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and rural development", 23 (1), 425-436.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article studied the influence of temperature and humidity in the room for farrowing sows with different types of ventilation system on other microclimatic parameters and their relationship and dependence of the reproductive qualities of sows, the health of suckling piglets and the intensity of their growth on the method of room ventilation. An experiment was conducted in two separate groups of breeders (120 farrowing sows each), which were equipped with valve and geothermal systems for creating a microclimate. It was established that the valve ventilation system provides 2.12 mg/m3 (p <0.01) lower NH3 content and 0.40 mg/m3 (p <0.001) lower H2S content. At the same time, using the geothermal ventilation system, the weight of the piglets' nest at weaning was higher by 3.90 kg or 5.38% compared to the counterparts that were kept using valve ventilation. The level of morbidity and mortality of piglets, as well as the veterinary component of the cost of their growth, were lower when using the geothermal ventilation system. All indicators of the microclimate were in a reliable correlation relationship. In particular, as the internal temperature in the farrowing room increased, the content of CO2 and H2S also increased, but the content of NH3 and relative humidity decreased. When the relative humidity increased, the content of hydrogen sulfide decreased, but the content of ammonia and carbon dioxide also increased. The contents of NH3, CO2 and H2S were also correlated, but the relationship between them was weak.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherSumy National Agrarian University-
dc.publisherStepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies-
dc.subjectNH3 contentuk_UA
dc.subjectCO2 contentuk_UA
dc.subjectH2S contentuk_UA
dc.subjectrelative humidityuk_UA
dc.subjectinternal temperatureuk_UA
dc.subjectAgricultural Economics & Policyuk_UA
dc.titleInfluence of ventilation system type on microclimate parameters in farrowing room and reproductive qualities of pigsuk_UA
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