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dc.contributor.authorШарейко, Дмитрий Юриевич-
dc.contributor.authorShareyko, Dmitry-
dc.contributor.authorГрубань, Василь Анатолійович-
dc.contributor.authorHruban', Vasyl'-
dc.contributor.authorBiluk, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorFomenko, Andrii-
dc.contributor.authorHavrylov, Serhii-
dc.contributor.authorSavchenko, Oleg-
dc.identifier.citationBiluk, I., Shareyko, D., Fomenko, A., Havrylov, S., Savchenko, O., & Hruban, V. (2020). Adaptive Control in Complete Electric Drives. 2020 IEEE Problems of Automated Electrodrive. Theory and Practice (PAEP), Kremenchuk, Ukraine, 1-4, doi:10.1109/PAEP49887.2020.9240856uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9240856uk_UA
dc.description.abstractOn the basis of the existing theoretical researches the complete electric drive with adaptive control principle is developed. To achieve this goal, following tasks have been solved: a mathematical model of an adaptive controller in an automatic control system has been compiled; theoretical studies on the behavior of CED with different laws of regulation has been conducted; the expediency of using an adaptive controller has been proved.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherUniversity of Shipbuilding, Admiral Makarov National-
dc.subjectadaptive controlleruk_UA
dc.subjectblock diagramuk_UA
dc.subjectcomplete electric driveuk_UA
dc.subjectcontrol quality indicatorsuk_UA
dc.subjectnonlinear controlleruk_UA
dc.subjectAdaptive control systemsuk_UA
dc.subjectControl theoryuk_UA
dc.subjectElectric drivesuk_UA
dc.subjectAdaptive Controluk_UA
dc.subjectAdaptive controllersuk_UA
dc.subjectTheoretical researchuk_UA
dc.subjectTheoretical studyuk_UA
dc.subjectElectric machine controluk_UA
dc.subjectAffordable and clean energy (SDG 7)uk_UA
dc.subjectRandom Sequenceuk_UA
dc.subjectSmart Homeuk_UA
dc.titleAdaptive Control in Complete Electric Drivesuk_UA
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