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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorМарченко, Дмитро Дмитрович-
dc.contributor.authorMarchenko, Dmytro-
dc.contributor.authorDykha, A. V.-
dc.contributor.authorDytynyuk, V. A.-
dc.identifier.citationDykha, A.V., Marchenko, D.D. & Dytynyuk, V. A. (2020). Determination of the Parameters of the Wear Law Based on the Results of Laboratory Tests. Journal of Friction and Wear, 41, 153–159. https://doi.org/10.3103/S1068366620020038uk_UA
dc.descriptionПовний текст статті доступний з сайту видавця за посиланням: https://link.springer.com/article/10.3103/S1068366620020038#article-infouk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe study proposes the form of the wear law for two factors, contact pressure and sliding speed, taking into account the properties of lubricants and structural materials. By solving inverse wear contact problems for three contact schemes-four-balls, ball-ring, and cone-ring-calculation formulas were obtained for identifying the parameters of the wear law. The resulting wear models make it possible to quantitatively predict and optimize the wear resistance of various friction units and validate the choice of structural materials and lubricants for them.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolayiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherKhmelnitsky National University-
dc.subjectcontact schemeuk_UA
dc.subjectinverse wear contact problemuk_UA
dc.subjectlaboratory testsuk_UA
dc.subjectwear model parametersuk_UA
dc.subjectwear rateuk_UA
dc.subjectInverse problemsuk_UA
dc.subjectWear of materialsuk_UA
dc.subjectCalculation formulauk_UA
dc.subjectContact pressuresuk_UA
dc.subjectContact problemuk_UA
dc.subjectLaboratory testuk_UA
dc.subjectSliding speeduk_UA
dc.subjectWear lawuk_UA
dc.subjectWear modeluk_UA
dc.subjectWear resistanceuk_UA
dc.subjectHydraulic Fracturinguk_UA
dc.subjectEngineering: Mechanics of Materialsuk_UA
dc.subjectMaterials Science: Surfaces, Coatings and Filmsuk_UA
dc.titleDetermination of the Parameters of the Wear Law Based on the Results of Laboratory Testsuk_UA
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