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dc.contributor.authorСахацький, М.-
dc.contributor.authorЗапша, Г.-
dc.contributor.authorСахацький, М.-
dc.contributor.authorДідур, Г.-
dc.contributor.authorКлочан, Ірина Володимирівна-
dc.contributor.authorKlochan, Irina-
dc.identifier.citationSakhatskyi М., Zapsha, G., Sakhatskyi, M. ., Didur, G., & Klochan, I. (2021). Modernization of production and economic activity of enterprises and farms of the agricultural sector in conditions of institutional transfers. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 5(40), 596–608. https://doi.org/10.18371/fcaptp.v5i40.245250uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationСахацький М., Запша Г., Сахацький М., Дідур Г., Клочан І. Модернізація виробничо-господарської діяльності підприємств і фермерських господарств аграрного сектору в умовах інституційних трансформацій // Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice. 2021. 5(40), 596–608. https://doi.org/10.18371/fcaptp.v5i40.245250-
dc.description.abstractThe article highlights the relevance of the modernization of production and economic activity of enterprises and farms of the agricultural sector in the context of institutional transformations. The analysis of modernization studies by fundamental and applied economic science is carried out, the problem statement is made. The results of researches of agrarian economic science on the main directions of modernization of production and economic activity of agricultural enterprises and farms are given. The generalization about belonging of modernization to economic categories has been made, which reflects the general properties of real reality and serves as a natural mechanism of its upward development due to the improvement of the man of production and economic activity, provides economic progress and improvement of the level and quality of life of the population. Institutional changes have been identified, as evidenced by an overall increase in the number of agricultural enterprises, a decrease in farms and annual fluctuations in the number of agricultural entities. It is established that in agriculture, agricultural enterprises and farms are focused on the production of grain and legumes, sunflower and sugar beet, while households are mainly engaged in growing potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries. In animal husbandry, agricultural enterprises have a certain advantage in the production of meat (in slaughter weight) and eggs, and households dominate dairy cattle, sheep and beekeeping. The importance of each category of farms in the agrarian sector of the economy in the production of basic agricultural products is determined. The arguments about the need for modernization of production and economic activity of agricultural enterprises and farms are presented. The complex of measures of modernization of production and economic activity of the studied subjects is substantiated, economic individualization of which is combined with processes of cooperation and agro-industrial integration in clusters of integrated territorial communities of rural areas.uk_UA
dc.subjectproduction and economicuk_UA
dc.subjectinstitutional transformationsuk_UA
dc.titleModernization of production and economic activity of enterprises and farms of the agricultural sector in conditions of institutional transfersuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeМодернізація виробничо-господарської діяльності підприємств і фермерських господарств аграрного сектору в умовах інституційних трансформаційuk_UA
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