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dc.contributor.authorГамаюнова, Валентина Василівна-
dc.contributor.authorGamayunova, Valentina-
dc.contributor.authorХоненко, Любов Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorHonenko, Lubov-
dc.contributor.authorБакланова, Тетяна Вікторівна-
dc.contributor.authorBaklanova, Tetiana-
dc.contributor.authorПилипенко, Тетяна-
dc.contributor.authorPilipenko, Tetyana-
dc.identifier.citationGamayunova, V., Honenko, L., Baklanova, T., Pilipenko, T. (2023). Current Trends in Sorghum Use, Grain Yield and Water Consumption Depending on the Hybrid Composition. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 24(6), 211-220. https://doi.org/10.12912/27197050/168451uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe success of the crop production industry in the southern region of Ukraine always depended on weather and climatic factors. Among the factors of crop formation, the availability of moisture in plants occupied the first place. This dependence has been increasing in recent decades due to changes in the climatic conditions occurring not only in Ukraine, but also around the world. In this situation, it is necessary to improve the known elements of field crop cultivation technology and develop new measures to ensure the stability of the industry as well as reduce its dependence on climatic factors. This should help to obtain stable yield levels in all years, regardless of the significant deviations in temperature, precipitation and other weather factors. The solution of this issue is also becoming relevant in connection with the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, when the area of cultivation of agricultural products partially decreased. Adjustments to the development of measures also arise in connection with a significant reduction in the area of irrigated land. At the same time, it is necessary to select not only more drought-resistant crops for cultivation, but even their varieties or hybrids with a high level of productivity. After all, regardless of the specified state and a certain weakening of the economic capacity of agricultural enterprises, it is still necessary to receive the planned amount of crop production. This will determine not only the state of the agricultural sector, but also the stability of Ukraine as a whole.uk_UA
dc.publisherMykolaiv National Agrarian Universityuk_UA
dc.publisherKherson State Agrarian and Economic University-
dc.publisherState Institution Mykolaiv State Agricultural Experimental Station, Institute of Climate, Oriented Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine-
dc.subjectclimatic conditionsuk_UA
dc.subjectdirections of use of sorghum plantsuk_UA
dc.subjectefficiency of moisture use by plantsuk_UA
dc.subjectgrain yielduk_UA
dc.subjectleaf surface areauk_UA
dc.subjectsorghum hybridsuk_UA
dc.subjecttotal water consumptionuk_UA
dc.titleCurrent Trends in Sorghum Use, Grain Yield and Water Consumption Depending on the Hybrid Compositionuk_UA
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