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Назва: The analysis of the effectiveness of regional development management
Автори: Побережець, Ганна Степанівна
Poberezhetsʹ, Hanna
Kuczabski, Aleksander
Aleinikova, Olena
Tolchieva, Hanna
Saienko, Volodymyr
Skomorovskyi, Andrii
Ключові слова: Effectiveness
Regional Development
Sustainable Development
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Mykolayiv National Agricultural University
Faculty of Economy and Administration of Masaryk University (MUNI)
Academy of Management and Administration, Opole, Poland
Бібліографічний опис: Kuczabski, A., Aleinikova, O., Poberezhets, H., Tolchieva, H., Saienko, V., & Skomorovskyi, A. (2023). The analysis of the effectiveness of regional development management // International Journal for Quality Research, 17(3), 695–706. https://doi.org/10.24874/ijqr17.03-05
Короткий огляд (реферат): The desire of countries to integrate into the global financial and economic space causes the intensification of the influence of destabilizing factors of the external environment on their socio-economic development. The existing problems of regional development aggravate the processes of instability of their effective functioning and the formation of management mechanisms. This study aims to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles of the study of the specifics of the regional development management effectiveness’ analysis and evaluation of its trends in the regional dimension. The study uses general scientific and unique methods of economic analysis, in particular: analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogy, generalization and systematization, graphical and tabular methods, and grouping and cluster analysis based on the use of a k-means method. As for the study results of the specific features of the regional development management effectiveness’ analysis and assessment of its trends in the regional perspective, it was found that among the European Union and the Eastern Partnership countries there are three groups, characterized by standard features of the regional development: highly developed countries (Sweden (GSDG: 85‒86), Denmark (GSDG: 85), Finland (GSDG: 83‒86), Germany (GSDG: 81‒83), France (GSDG: 81‒82), Austria (GSDG: 80‒82), Netherlands (GSDG: 80‒82), which have considerable resource potential and manage it effectively; mid-developed countries (Belgium (GSDG: 79‒82), Estonia (GSDG: 78‒82), Ireland (GSDG: 78‒81), Slovenia (GSDG: 79‒82), Czech Republic (GSDG: 79‒81), Belarus (GSDG: 76‒78), which have significant resource potential, but measures for effective management of development in the region need review and improvement; developing countries (Bulgaria (GSDG: 73‒75), Romania (GSDG: 71‒75), Greece (GSDG: 71‒75), Cyprus (GSDG: 70-75), Ukraine (GSDG: 72‒75), Moldova (GSDG: 73‒74), Azerbaijan (GSDG: 70‒72), Georgia (GSDG: 68‒72), and Armenia (GSDG: 68‒71), characterized as depressive regions and classified as transition-type countries, where transformation and modernization processes are not completed.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.mnau.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/15312
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