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dc.contributor.authorKhrapatyi, Serhii-
dc.contributor.authorLevchenko, Anton-
dc.contributor.authorVenhrynovych, Andrii-
dc.contributor.authorПономаренко, Наталя Григорівна-
dc.contributor.authorPonomarenko, Natalia-
dc.contributor.authorShyian, Oksana-
dc.identifier.citationKhrapatyi S., Levchenko, A., Venhrynovych, A., Ponomarenko, N., & Shyian, O. (2023). Education in the conditions of war: advantages and disadvantages. Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 5, 2023ss0507. https://doi.org/10.31893/multiscience.2023ss0507uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe research aims to study the peculiarities of education in wartime. Despite many challenges that have arisen as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine, the modern higher education system has development opportunities. The first of these is international academic mobility, which provides opportunities for teachers and students to attend leading European universities. The second is the intensive introduction of information technology into the educational process and the professionalization of teachers. The third is the use of flexible learning technologies, and the fourth is a cooperation between Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions. The fifth possibility is the introduction of the "lifelong learning" model, and the sixth is distance learning, which can be a full-fledged form of education in some specialties. For students, this form of education allows them to study and gain practical experience at the same time, and for teachers to work in education and other fields, passing on practical experience to students. The seventh possibility is to improve the territorial organization of higher education in Ukraine, in particular, to relocate higher education institutions from areas where active hostilities are taking place to large cities. Improving the territorial organization of higher education in Ukraine (relocation of higher education institutions to large cities from areas where active hostilities are taking place) is worthy of attention. Finally, the ability to identify hidden problems in the higher education system and work on solving their causes. The key is to identify threats timely and develop mechanisms to mitigate their impact. Each opportunity should be realized to the fullest extent possible. All these points should be considered in the operational plans for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032. It is concluded that technological influences are used in modern life to achieve various goals, including obtaining confidential information. User training and increased technical protection are the best defenses against social engineering attacks. To reduce the occurrence of social engineering attacks, technical protection is needed to help prevent such attacks.uk_UA
dc.subjectdistance learninguk_UA
dc.subjecteducation reformsuk_UA
dc.subjecthigher educationuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovation potentialuk_UA
dc.subjectmartial lawuk_UA
dc.subjectstate engineeringuk_UA
dc.titleEducation in the conditions of war: advantages and disadvantagesuk_UA
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